- Project Runeberg -  Travels through Sweden, Finland, and Lapland, to the North Cape, in the years 1798 and 1799 / II /

(1802) [MARC] Author: Giuseppe Acerbi
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had employed to draw his maps: for he always chofe fuch men
as were acquainted with mineralogy, that they might likewife be
ufeful to him in that fcience, which is the principal object of his

_Mr. Hyelm not only had the goodnefs to favour me with many
fpecimens, of which he had duplicates, but even condefcended to
write out for me a fyftematic lift of all the Lapland minerals*
contained in the collection alluded to, which are arranged ac-
cording to the different parts of the country from whence they
were obtained. This lift I will here fubjoin, being perfuaded it

will intereft the lovers of this branch of natural hiftory,

* This lift, as will be feen, is not confined to Lapland, but takes in fome pro-
vinces in the neighbourhood, belonging to Sweden and Finland. ‘This deviation
from the ftrict limits of Lapland will probably be pardoned, as it brings addi-
tional information, and at the fame time refers to countries which have equally
been the fubject of the foregoing work.

The names of the minerals in the original lift were given in Swedifh, and
fometimes explained by the French. Thefe we have attempted to render into
the language familiar to Englifh mineralogifts: in doing which we have chiefly
followed the works of Kirwan and Cronftedt, and adopted the technical terms
ufed by thefe writers. To avoid the poffibility of a miftake, the Swedifh words
are added in a parenthefis to moft f{pecies that are mentioned, and fometimes
alfo the French, German, and Latin appellations. Where any doubt remained,
the fign of a query (?) has been put: fo that it is hoped the lift will appear pretty

Vor, II. Mm LIST

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