- Project Runeberg -  Travels through Sweden, Finland, and Lapland, to the North Cape, in the years 1798 and 1799 / II /

(1802) [MARC] Author: Giuseppe Acerbi
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men. In this refpect the mountain Laplanders are better accom-
modated, as they ufe their rein-deer for that purpofe. Since agri-
culture is not attended to, except on fome few fpots near the river
Alten, the Laplanders confume by fire all the dung collected from
their cows, fheep, and goats.

Thofe who by traffic have acquired wealth, have a cuftom of
burying their money in the earth; and this they do fo fecretly
and effectually, that their heirs or fucceflors rarely find it. That
they fhould preferve it thus whilft they live, is not furprizing, be-
caufe they have no iron chefts, or other fecurity again{t thieves ;
but that they fhould conceal it from their pofterity is a matter, our
miffionary confeffes, he is not able to account for. He heard of a
rich man, who, on having the queftion put to him on his death-
bed, why he had fo carefully concealed his money from his fa-
mily? replied, that he fhould have occafion for it in the country
whither he was going.

In fome parts of Finmark the Laplanders make ufe of the hot
bath, {prinkling their heads at the fame time with the hot water,
through the medium of a bunch of rods.


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