- Project Runeberg -  Travels through Sweden, Finland, and Lapland, to the North Cape, in the years 1798 and 1799 / II /

(1802) [MARC] Author: Giuseppe Acerbi
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Of Lapland Courtfhip and Marriages,

i. rarely happens that the natives of Norway intermarry with
the Laplanders. The miffionary Leems obferves, that he never
knew an inftance of the kind during his long acquaintance with
Lapland. |
When a Laplander has an inclination to marry a young female
of his nation, he communicates his wifh to his own family, who
then repair in a body to the dwelling of the parents of the girl,
taking with them a quantity of brandy to drink upon the oc-
cafion, and a flight prefent for the young woman ; for inftance,
a girdle ornamented with filver, a ring, or fomething of the like
kind. When they come to the door of the hut in which fhe
lives, the principal fpokefman enters firft, followed by the reft
of the kindred, the fuitor waiting without until he fhall be in-
vited to enter. As foon as they are come in, the orator fills out
a bumper of brandy, which he offers to the girl’s father, who, if
he accepts of it, fhews thereby that he approves of the match
about to be moved for. The brandy is handed round, not only


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