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(1944) [MARC] Author: Gunnar Myrdal
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Chapter 41. The Negro School 891
tion Foundation, which still helps to pay part of the salaries of the Jeanes
Another step was taken by the General Education Board, with money
provided by John D. Rockefeller, under the direction of Wallace Buttrick.
This foundation paid for state supervisors of Negro education who were
to be under the state superintendents. The supervisors, who were white
Southerners, had no official authority whatever, but they have been most
important in raising the standards of the Negro public schools of the South.
They plead to the state and county officials for improved educational facil-
ities, and they get their authority out of their political independence, their
intimate knowledge of their fields, and the fact that they act as the local
agents for the several foundations interested in aiding Negro education.^®
They are now gradually becoming integrated in the state administration
and are paid out of state funds.
Jackson Davis, N. C. Newbold, and several other leading educational
statesmen of the South have been engaged in this work. The General
Education Board has also given much money for fellowships, colleges,
libraries, and other educational facilities for Southern Negroes and has
made it possible for the Slater and Jeanes Funds to continue with their work.
In 19 1 1, Mr. Julius Rosenwald began the successful activity of giving
one-third of the funds required for the erection of a rural school building,
provided the school authorities, with the aid of white friends and the Negro
people themselves, would furnish the other two-thlrds.^^ The Rosenwald
Fund has established libraries for Negroes, has assisted Negro universities
and colleges and has given generously to Negro scholars for fellowships
and research projects. The John F, Slater Fund, given a new direction after
1910 under the leadership of Dr. James H. Dillard, established the first
“high schools” for Negroes in the rural South to give prospective teachers
in the rural Negro elementary schools some education beyond that of the
elementary school itself. The small Phelps-Stokes Fund (established in
1911) has devoted itself to assisting Negro and white college students,
making studies of Negro problems and improving educational facilities for
Negroes in the United States and in Africa. Andrew Carnegie, and the
large foundation which he established, the Carnegie Corporation of New
York, have given significant sums to Negro colleges and libraries, to
various Negro improvement organizations, and to research projects on the
Negro—including the present study.®
* In addition to the foundations mentioned in the text, *
there are others working in the
field of Negro education:
(1) The Daniel Hand Fund (established in 1888), directed by the American Mission-
ary Association, aids Negro schools and colleges along with others}
(2) The du Pont family has donated gifts for the education of the small Negro
population of Delaware;
(3) The Duke family has donated gifts to Negro colleges in North Carolina}

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