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Books and manuscripts prepared for this study are listed in the “Author’s Preface.”
Abbott, Grace, From Relief to Social Security: the developnent of the new public
welfare services and their administration, Chicago: The University of Chicago
Press, 1941.
Adams, James Truslow, Americans Tragedy, New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1934.
Adams, James Truslow, The Efic of America, Boston: Little, Brown and Company,
Adams, James Truslow, “Our Lawless Heritage,” Atlantic Monthly vol. 142, no. 6}
December, 1928; pp. 732-740.
“Africa.” The Encyclofaedia Britannica, eleventh edition; vol. i; pp. 325-330.
Alilunas, Leo, “Legal Restrictions on the Negro in Politics.” The Journal of Negro
History^ vol. 25, no. 2; April, 1940; pp. 152-202.
Allen, James S., The Negro Question in the United States, New York: International
Publishers, 1936.
The American Academy of Political and Social Science, The Annals, Vol. 124, “Legal
Aid Work.” March, 1926.
American Federation of Labor, Refort of Proceedings of the Sixty-First Annual Con-
vention, October, 1941.
Ames, Jessie Daniel, The Changing Character of Lynching, Atlanta: The Commis-
sion on Interracial Cooperation, Inc., July, 1942.
Ames, Jessie Daniel, Democratic Processes at Work in the South, Refort of Commis-
sion on Interracial Cooferation, Atlanta: The Commission on Inter-
racial Cooperation, Inc., October, 1941.
Andrews, H. L., “Racial Distinctions in the Courts of North Carolina.” Unpublished
M.A. thesis, Duke University, 1933.
Anonymous, Lynching Goes Underground, January, 1940.
Anthony, David W., “The Cranbury Terror Case.” The Crisis, vol. 46, no. lO;
October, 1939; pp. 295-296, 3 U-3 15-
Archer, William, Through A fro-America-, an English reading of the race frohlem,
London: Chapman and Hall, Ltd., 1910.
Arneson, Ben A., “Non-Voting in a Typical Ohio Community.” The American Politi-
cal Science Review, vol. 19, no. 4; November, 1925; pp. 816-825.
Asendio, James, “History of Negro Motion Pictures.” International Pkotografher, vol.
2, no. 12; January, 1940; p. 16.
Ashby, William M., “No Jim Crow in Springfield Federal Housing.” Offortunity,
vol. 20, no. 6; June, 1942; pp. 170-171, 188.
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