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1150 An American Dilemma
made on draft recruitsy
igiy-igi8y and on veterans at demobilizationy igig* The
Medical Department of the XJ. S. Army in the World War. Vol. 15, Statistics,
Part 1 . Washington, D. C.: 1921.
Davenport, Charles B. and M. Steggerda, Race Crossing in Jamaica, Washington,
D. C.: Carnegie Institution of Washington, 1929.
Davidson, Henry A., “The Anatomy of Prejudice.” Common Ground, vol. i, no. 2;
Winter, 1941 ; pp. 3-12.
Davis, Allison, and John Doij.ard, Children of Bondage; the fersonality develof-
ment of Negro youth in the urban South, Washington, D. C.: American Council
on Education, 1940. (Prepared for the American Youth Commission.)
Davis, Allison, Burleigh B. Gardner and Mary R. Gardner, Deaf South; a social
anthrofological study of caste and class, Chicago: The University of Chicago
Press, 1941.
Day, Caroline Bond, A Study of Some Negro-White Families in the United States,
Cambridge: Peabody Museum of Harvard University, 1932.
Dedrick, Calvert L., and Morris H. Hansen, The Enumerative Check Census,
Vol. 4 of The Final Refort on Total and Partial Unemfloyment, igsy. Census
of Partial Emfloyment, Unemfloyment^ and Occufations, Washington, D. C.:
De Leeuvv Hendrik, Sinful Cities of the Western World, New York: J. Messner,
Inc., 1934.
Detroit Bureau of Governmental Research, The Negro in Detroit, Detroit: Detroit
Bureau of Governmental Research, Inc., 1926.
Detweiler, Frederick G., The Negro Press in the United States, Chicago: The
University of Chicago Press, 1922.
Dewey, John, “The Determination of Ultimate Values or Aims through Antecedent or
A Priori Speculation or through Pragmatic or Empirical Inquiry.” The Thirty-
Seventh Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education, Part II,
“The Scientific Movement in Education,” 1938; pp. 471-486.
Dewey, John, Freedom and Culture, New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1939.
Dewey, John, “Interpretation of Savage Mind.” The Psychological Review, vol. 9, no.
3; May, 1902; pp. 217-230.
Dickinson, Robert L., and Woodbridge E. Morris, Techniques of Conceftion Con-
trol, New York: Birth Control Federation of America, Inc., 1941.
Dodd, William E., The Cotton Kingdom, a chronicle of the Old South, New Haven:
Yale University Press, 1 91 9.
Dodd, William E., “Freedom of Speech in the South.” Communication to the Editor
of Nation, vol. 84, no. 2182; April 25, 1907; pp. 383-384.
Dodd, William E., Statesmen of the Old South; or, from radicalism to conservative
revolt. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1911.
Dojllard, John, Caste and Class in a Southern Town, New Haven: Yale University
Press, 1937. (Published for the Yale Institute of Human Relations.)
Dollard, John, Criteria for the Life History, with analyses of six notable documents.
New Haven: Yale University Press, 1935. (Published for the Institute of Human
Dollard, John and Associates, Frustration and Aggression, New Haven: Yale Univer-
sity Press, 1939. (Published for the Institute of Human Relations.)
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