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1152 An American Dilemma
Du Bois, W. E. Burghardt, “A Negro Nation within the Nation.” Current History
vol. 45, no. 4; June, 1935; p. 265.
Du Bois, W. E. Burghardt, The PhUadelfhia Negro: a social study. Together with a
sfeciaL refort on domestic service^ by /. Eaton, Philadelphia: The University of
Pennsylvania Press, 1899. Publications of The University of Pennsylvania series
in Political Economy and Public Law, no. 14.
Du Bois, W. E. Burghardt (editor), Some Efforts of American Negroes for their Own
Social Betterment, Atlanta, Georgia: Atlanta University Press, 1898. (Atlanta
University Publication, no. 3.)
Du Bois, W. E. Burghardt, The Souls of Black Folk, Chicago: A. C. McClurg and
Company, 1903.
Duggan, I. W., “Cotton, Land and People: A Statement of the Problem.” Journal of
Farm Economics^ vol. 22, no. i; February, 1940; pp. 188-197.
The Duke Endowment, Fourteenth Annual Refort of the Hosfital Section^ ^93^*
Charlotte, North Carolina: The Duke Endowment, 1939.
Durkheim, Smile, The Rules of Sociological Method, (Translated by Sarah A. Solovay
and John H. Mueller.) Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1938. (First
French edition published in 1895.)
East, Edward M., Heredity and Human Affairs, New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons,
Eckenrode, Hamilton J., Jeferson Davisy President of the South, New York: The
Macmillan Company, 1923.
Eddy, Walter A. and Gessner G. Hawley, We Need Vitamins, New York: Reinhold
Publishing Company, 1941.
Educational Policies Commission, Education and Economic Well-Being in American
Democracy, Washington, D.C.: Educational Policies Commission, National Educa-
tion Association of the United States and the American Association of School
Administrators, 1940.
Elliott, E. N. (editor), Cotton Is Kingy and Pro-Slavery Arguments, Augusta, Georgia:
Pritchard, Abbott and Loomis, i860.
Embree, Edwin R., Brown America: the story of a new race. New York: The Viking
Press, 1931.
Embree, Edwin R., Julius Rosenzvald Fund: Review of Two Decadesy
Chicago: 1936.
Embree, Edwin R., Julius Rosenwald Fund: Review for the Two-Year Period ig^o-
jg42, Chicago: 1942.
Eppse, Merl R., The NegrOy ToOy in American History, Chicago: National Educa-
tional Publication Company, Inc., 1939.
Ethridge, Mark, “About Will Alexander.” The New Refublicy vol. 105, no. 12;
September 22, 1941 5 pp. 366-367.
Ferebee, Dorothy Boulding, “Planned Parenthood as a Public Health Measure for
the Negro Race,” Address at Annual Meeting of the Birth Control Federation of
America. New York: January 29, 1942.
Ferguson, G. O., “The Psychology of the Negro, an experimental study.” Archives of
Psychologyy no. 36; April, 1916.
Fisher, Constance, “The Negro Social Worker Evaluates Birth ControL” The Birth
Control Review
vol. 16, no. 6; June, 1932; pp. 1 74-1 75.
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