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1154 An American Dilemma
Gallup, George, and Saul Forbes Rae, The Pulse of Democracy, New York: Simon
Schuster, 1940.
Gardner, William J., A History of Jamaica, London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1909.
Garth, Thomas R., Race Psychology \
a study of racial mental differences. New York:
McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1931.
Garvey, Amy Jacques (editor), Philosofhy and Ofinions of Marcus Garvey, Vol. i.
New York: The Universal Publishing House, 1923.
Giddings, Franklin H., Studies in the Theory of Human Society, New York: The
Macmillan Company, 1922.
Gist, Noel P., “The Negro in the Daily Press.” Social Forces^ vol. 10, no. 3; March,
1932; pp. 405-41 1.
Gist, Noel P., Racial Attitudes in the Pressy Sociology and Social Researchy vol. 17,
no. I; Septcmbcr-Octobcr, 1932; pp. 25-36.
Gleason, Ei.iza Atkins, The Southern Negro and the Public Library, Chicago: The
University of Chicago Press, 1 94 1.
Goodell, William, The American Slave Code in Theory and Practice, New York:
American and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society, 1853.
Goodrich, Carter, and Associates, Migration and Economic Offortunity ;
the refort
of the study of fofulation redistribution, Philadelphia: The University of Penn-
sylvania Press, 1936.
Gosnell, Harold F., Getting Out the Vote; an experiment in the stimulation of
voting, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1927.
Gosnell, Harold F., Negro Politicians, the rise of Negro politics in Chicago, Chicago:
The University of Chicago Press, 1935.
Gosnell, Harold F., “The Negro Vote in Northern Cities.” National Municipal
Review, vol. 30, no. 5; May, 1941 ; pp. 264-267.
Gosnell, Harold F., and Norman N. Gill, “An Analysis of the 1932 Presidential
Vote in Chicago.” American Political Science Review^ vol. 29, no. 6; December,
1935; pp- 967-984-
Gould, Charles W., America: A Family Matter, New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons,
Grady, Henry W., The New South, New York: Robert Bonner’s Sons, 1890.
Granger, Lester B., “The Negro Congress—Its Future.” Opportunity, vol. 18, no. 6;
June, 1940; pp. 164-166.
Granger, Lester B., “Negroes and War Production.” Survey Graphic, vol. 31, no. 1 1
November, 1942; pp. 469-47 543
Grant, Madison, The Passing of the Great Race, New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons,
Graves, John Temple, “The Southern Negro and the War Crisis,” Virginia Quar-
terly Review, vol. 18, no. 4; Autumn, 1942; pp. 500-517.
The Greater New York Federation of Churches, The Negro Churches of Manhattan,
New York: The Greater New York Federation of Churches, 1930.
Green, H. M., “Hospitals and Public Health Facilities for Negroes.” Proceedings of
the National Conference of Social Work, Chicago: The University of Chicago
Press, 1928, pp. 178-180.
Greene, Harry W., Negro Leaders, Institute, West Virginia: West Virginia State
College, November, 1936. West Virginia State College Bulletin, series 23, no. 6.
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