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(1944) [MARC] Author: Gunnar Myrdal
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Footnotes 1351
has been passed that in the future all difficulties between Negroes and whites will be
handled by a small group of white men already appointed for that purpose. He was
similarly advised that in the vicinity of Cleveland, Mississippi, at least four Negroes had
been lynched within the past four or five months.”
“ ‘Let the law take its course,’ under mob surveillance, is doubtful gain, for in such
a situation the courts are virtually prostituted to mob demands.” (Raper, “Race and
Class Pressures,” p. 277.) See also Chapter 26, Section 2, of this book.
W. E. B. Du Bois, Dusk of Dawn (1940), p. 264.
The Chicago Commission on Race Relations, The Negro in Chicago (1922),
p. I. There were 17 other persons injured whose race was not recorded, bringing the
total of injured up to 537.
Du Bois, Dusk of Downy p. 264.
The Chicago Commission on Race Relations, of>, cit,y p. 72.
^®Du Bois, Dusk of Dawtty p. 252.
Baker, of, cit,y p. 15.
^®The Chicago Commission on Race Relations, of, cit,y p. 67.
Chapter 28. The Basis of Social Inequality
James Bryce, The Relations of the Advanced and the Backward Races of Mankind
(1902), p. 43.
^ This assertion has also been expressed in the literature; see, for instance, E. B.
Reuter, The American Race Problem (1927), p. 388.
^ James Weldon Johnson, in his autobiography, discusses the Jim Crow arrangement
in railway traveling and gives the following exemplification of the point in the text:
“It was the usual ‘Jim Crow’ arrangement: one-half of a baggage coach, unkempt,
unclean, and ill smelling, with one toilet for both sexes. Two of the seats were taken
up by the pile of books and magazines and the baskets of fruit and chewing gum of the
‘news-butcher.’ There were a half-dozen or, more Negroes in the car and two white
men. White men in a ‘Jim Crow’ car were not an unusual sight. It was—and in many
parts still is
—^the custom for white men to go into that car whenever they felt like
doing things that would not be allowed in the ‘white’ car. They went there to smoke,
to drink, and often to gamble. At times the object was to pick an acquaintance with some
likely-looking Negro girl.” (Along This Way [1934], pp. 86-87.)
“The practice depends upon the individual white man. Negroes and whites occa-
sionally shake hands under a variety of conditions: when a salesman is trying to sell
goods, when a former employer meets a respected Negro who has worked for him, when
whites are attending public programs or meetings of Negroes, and occasionally on the
streets. The white man makes the first approach.” (Charles S. Johnson, Growing Uf in
the Black Belt [1941], p. 277.)
®See W. E. B, Du Bois, Dusk of Dawn (1940), p. 259; James Weldon Johnson,
Along This Wayy pp. 298, 299; R, E. Park and E. W. Burgess, Introduction to the
Science of Sociology (1921), pp. 250-251; Charles S. Johnson, Patterns of Negro
Segregation^ prepared for this study (1934), p. 6.
® The one-sidedness of the segregation system is so entrenched that it also dominates
the interracial work. Particularly in the South and when more than one individual

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