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itarian doctrine of, 85, 86} and natural
law, 15; reaction following, 86-87, 97
Revolutions, foreign, America’s approval
of, 5
Rice, John Andrew, on Southerner’s
changed attitude, looxn.
Rice production, 252, 1238
Richards, Henry I., cited, 257
Richmond, Va., Negro business in, 1260
Riots, 566-569, 680, 819; ante-helium^ 291,
567} in Army camps, 421-422, 568}
causation for, 568-569} in Detroit, 527,
568, 678, 1337} between Negro soldiers
and whites, 1005} Reconstruction a long
example of, 449-450 }
during and after
World War I, 745, 1309, 1409
Rivers, W. H. R., cited, 1217
Robeson, Paul, 734, 735, 988, 1184} on
Negro individualism, 994
Robertson, William J., cited, 563
Robinson, Bill ‘*Bojangles,” 734, 988
Robinson, Corienne K., cited, 350, 418-419
Robinson Family, 449
Rochester (Eddie Anderson), 988
Rockefeller, John D., 891
Rogers, J. A,, 1184
Rogers, Will, quoted, 4580.
Roman, C. V., 1
9 1 }
on strength of race
prejudice, 616
Roman Catholic Church, 870} Negroes in,
1411, 1412} opposition of, to birth con-
trol movement, 178} in the South, 8700.-
87in., 872n.
Romanticism, American, 710, 1375-1376
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 414, 851
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 464, 662, 851 }
discrimination in federal employment, ’
1306} and Negro appointees, 503} Negro
vote for, 494-495, 496} support of, by
Negroes, 754-
755 *
* 33 ^
Roosevelt, Theodore, 18-19, 662
Roosevelt administration (^see also New
Deal), 718
Rose, Florence, cited, 179, 180
Rosenstein, Joseph, cited, 1322
Rosenwald, Julius, 891
Rosenwald Fund, 340, 891, 1224, 1276,
Rotation in office, 433
Rousseve, Charles B., on Negro exclusion
from Jobs, 282
Royce, Josiah: on American idealism, 23}
on social inequality, 1355
Ruggles, David, 737
Rural Electrification program, 271
Russia; industrialization of, 10x7} peace
role of, 807} racial tolerance in, 1018
Russwurm, John B., 912
St. Louis, prejudice against Negroes in,
Salaries (jee also Income and Wages) ; of
Negro actors, 330 }
of Negro ministers,
321, 874} of Negro teachers, 215, 319-
320, 632, 880, 885, 1232-1233, 1271
of policemen, 539} of trade union offi-
cials, 7140.
Samples, research, bias in, 137-138, 149,
1200, 1201, 12X1-1212, 1217, 1283,
1284, 1289
Savage, Augusta, 989, 1184
Savannah, Ga., Negro business in, 1260
“Scalawags,” 447
Schanck, R. L., ii39n.
Schmidt, Carl T. : cited, 255-256, 260,
267-268, 269-270, 274, 276, 278} on
mechanization in cotton culture, 1248} on
tenancy reduction, 1247
School lunch program, 21 1, 265, 363
Schools: discrimination in, see Discrimina-
tion, in education; mixed, during Recon-
struction, 579} Negro teachers in, 318-
3 20} segregated, see Segregation, in edu-
Schools, Negro, 879-907} 942-952} ac-
commodating pattern of, 880 }
hellumy 1415} attendance, 942-943,
948n.} conditions in, 902n.-903n.} 946-
947} consolidation of, 947} equipment
for, 1418} high schools, 950-951 }
of, 904} over-crowding of, 945, 947}
shifting control of, 892-893} value of,
Schrieke, Bertram ; on “classical” educa-
tion, 1422} on General Education Board
supervisors, 1417-1418; on lynch law,
532; on Negro education, 902; on
Negroes and democracy, 4; on new
American peasantry, 1251; on rational-
izing Reconstruction, 1314-13^5
Schurz, Carl, 1235
Schuyler, George S.: cited, 1198, 1423; on
birth control, 1206-1207, 1223-1224; on
Negro art, 994; on treatment of Negroes
in white press, 1184
Schwartzwald Amendment, 41 8n.
Science; do-nothing policy of, 91-92; inter-
racial relations in field of, 656} and
Negro problem, 89-93; social, see Social
Scientific research on Negro, 109-110
Scope and direction of this study, Iv-lviii
Scott, Emmet J., 746n.} cited, 420, 422n.,
745; on discrimination in Army, 1309
Scott, E. J., and Stowe, L. B., cited, 640-
641, 662
Scottsboro decision, 549
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