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can create within us the harmonious frame of mind, from
which emanates meekness, tolerance, patience — in a word
all the virtues of Christian love, which give peace to our
own heart; make our home pleasant; our nearest and
dearest happy; and which opens for us, after this life, the
heavenly home, where harmonies resound, more beautiful
than those with which Mozart’s Genii in the “ Magic
Flute” enchant our ear, as a foretaste of the eternal har-
monies. The songs of the Genii in the “ Magic Flute!”
Yes, if any thing can give us an idea of Paradise, it is that
music. How well I understand the feeling that has been
awakened in your soul; such sensations I have myself
often experienced during the preludes of the organ in our
churches, before the hymn was sung. There is something
so sweet and earnest in these melodies, quite separate from
earthly joys, but which tells me of the joys of the blessed
in heaven.
26th August, 1839.
Well now, my lazy hand! take up the pen, for I must
tell my dear Frances what I have been busy writing to
her every day in my thoughts. Yes,— what was it all
about? Indeed, I can now only remember your own words
in your last letter: “ What a happiness it is to love!” for
these words have haunted me continually during all this
time of sorrow as well as happiness. Yes! to love — that
is happiness, that is bliss, that is lifes summer. How well
do I not feel the truth of St. Theresa’s words about the
wicked: “The unhappy! they do not love.” Could we but
always love — first God and then our fellow-men. Yes,
then life would not be weary. Oh, Frances! He who re-
vealed God, our Creator, as Love, and who ordained that
love for Him and for our fellow-men should be the law of
our life, should be the condition for gaining eternal life,
eternal bliss and fullness, —has He not at the same time
given us the surest guide to attain eternal bliss. Indeed!
He is the best teacher how to gain happiness. How have
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