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Fig. 4. Cliffortia graminea var. convoluta
h. Weira. (C. aculeata X graminea ?),
transverse sections of leaf. a near the base,
b at the middle, c near the top. — X ca. 25.
(Auctor delin.)

As already mentioned (p. 407) C. aculeata is a morphologically verv
unique type within the genus. The species is so far known endemique
within the Karroo Mtns. Mem börs of Ihis phytogeographical group are
often systematically peculiar. The Karroo Mtn. endems, restricted to the
higher, isolated mountains, in many cases to the highest peaks, may be
considered as remnants of an ancient flora which once extended inland
from the Cape proper. In many cases the species in question are
probably ecological extremes, specialists, which endure only under a
severe competition with other flora element. It may be allowed to quote
Levyns’ opinion ön the flora under debate:

»In a study of the vegetation characterising the transition region between
the Cape and I be Karroo floras in the west, an open type of rhenosterveld
frequently beralds the change from one type to the other. Ön the Ladismith
kopjes the relations of these three different communities are clearly
demon-strated. Under the most favourable circumstances the Cape flora just manages
to exist. A slight movement in the direction of greater dryness, and
rhenosterveld takes places of the Cape flora. A further move in the same direction, and
rhenosterveld in turn is replaced by succulent busli.» (Levyns, 1938, p. 416.)

Cliffortia graminea L. Iii. var. convoluta H. Weim.

This type was described in just a few words in inv monograph
(W. 1934, pp. 118, 119). The author was uncertain of the systematic
position of the form and expressed suspicion of its being a hybrid
between C. graminea and some other species:

»C. graminea var. convoluta is a form which in some respects differs
widely from C. graminea. The variety has slightly shining, convolute leaves
and has also another Organization of branching. C. graminea has exclusively

( = (’■■ aculeata H. Weim.XC. graminea L. fil. ?)

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