- Project Runeberg -  America of the Fifties: Letters of Fredrika Bremer /

(1924) [MARC] Author: Fredrika Bremer
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and then incited my countrymen to sing Swedish

Old Mrs. Peterson had got ready a capital
entertainment; incomparably excellent coffee, and
tea especially; good venison, fruit, tarts, and many
good things, all as nicely and as delicately set out
as if on a prince’s table. The young sons of the
house waited upon us. At home, in Sweden, it
would have been the daughters. All were cordial
and joyous. When the meal was over we had
again songs, and after that dancing. Mrs. Peterson
joined in every song with a strong and clear,
but somewhat shrill voice, which she said was
“so not by art, but by nature, since the
beginning of the world!” The good old lady would have
joined us, too, in the dances and the polkas, if she
had not been prevented by her rheumatic lameness.
I asked the respectable smith to be my partner,
and we two led the Nigar Polka, which carried
along with it young and old and electrified all,
so that the young gentlemen sprang up aloft, and
a fat American lady tumbled down upon a bench
overpowered by laughter; we danced, finally,
round the house.

I was glad the next morning to feel well and
to rise with the sun, which, however, shone
somewhat dimly through the mist above the beautiful
lake. It was a cool, moist morning; but these

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