- Project Runeberg -  America of the Fifties: Letters of Fredrika Bremer /

(1924) [MARC] Author: Fredrika Bremer
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brother was a beautiful boy, with magnificent blue
eyes and healthy temperament (although at the
present moment suffering from one of the slow,
feverish diseases peculiar to the country), and yet
he thought of becoming a bishop “like his grandfather
in Norway, Bishop Nordahl Brun”—for
this young brother and sister were really the
grandchildren of Norway’s celebrated poet and bishop,
Nordahl Brun, whom Norway has to thank for her
best national songs. They had come hither by
the usual route of the western emigrants, by the
Erie Canal from New York, and then by steamer
down the lake. They complained of the uncleanliness
and want of comfort in the canal boats, and
that the people there were so severe with the little
boy, whom they drove out of his bed and often
treated ill.

The young lady gave me a remarkably good
tea, and a good bed in her room; but a terrific
thunderstorm which prevailed through the whole
night with torrents of rain disturbed our rest,
especially that of my hostess, who was afraid and
sighed over the life in this land.

Next morning the sun shone, the air was pleasant
and mild, and after breakfast with the young
lady, during which I did all in my power to
inspire her with better feelings toward the country
and a better courage, I went out for a ramble. The

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