- Project Runeberg -  America of the Fifties: Letters of Fredrika Bremer /

(1924) [MARC] Author: Fredrika Bremer
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year, enjoy the sea air or bathing; and here, at
the present moment, in these pretty dwellings,
embowered by verdant, fragrant plants among
the bare rocks, a select little party is assembled.
Here is Mr. Prescott, the excellent historian, with
his family; the preacher Bellows, from New York;
Mr. Longfellow, with several other interesting
persons, and the intercourse among them is easy
and charming, with little dinner-parties or
tea-suppers in the evenings. The Americans are in
a high degree a social people, and they do not
like to shut themselves up or to shut their friends

One evening I saw Emerson. He was kind and
bright, like himself in his most amiable mood. I
was to leave the following morning. He opposed
this, however, most decidedly.

“Oh no, no, you must not think of that!” said
he, “I have been proposing to myself to drive you
to one of our beautiful little forest lakes in the
neighborhood, and then you must see my mother
and receive her blessing!”

I do not know whether I have told you that
Emerson has a mother, in whose countenance may
be seen many features resembling those of her
son. The old mother was now confined to her bed
in consequence of a fall, by which she had broken
her leg.

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