Full resolution (JPEG) - On this page / på denna sida - III. A Swedish dinner. Country excursion. Swedish Ordnance. Soldiers. A country Seat. Cattle, Horses, &c.
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ae K si ie Beep Bai LID;
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- Gottenburg Ce 2, 1786,
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me we intend leaving Gottenburg to-morrow, I {hall
refume my nafrative and give you fome account
of our proceedings fince I wrote laff. On the 2gth. we
accepted an Invitation to dinner from Mr. Hall, a Mer-
chant of Eminence in this place, .at whofe houfe we were
elegantly entertained after the Swedifh. fafhion. The
dinner, as well as {upper which followed, confifled chief-
ly of Sweet-meats, Fruits, &c. which were plentifully
interfperfed with ornamental Images. But do not ima-
gine this was the whole of our Entertainment. Other
more fubftantial difhes were placed on the corners of the
table. Amongft which were a Clader, (a Swedifh bird )
a cock of the wood (another great rarity) and a Pike
Pudding. The latter difh will require fome explanation,
Tt confifls of a Pike drefled fo as’to refemble the tafte of
a cufllard, and yet not lofing the flavour of a fith, I
thought it rather palatable than otherwife. ‘The method
‘of conducting themfelyes at table has a very fingular ap-
’ C pearance
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