Full resolution (JPEG) - On this page / på denna sida - III. A Swedish dinner. Country excursion. Swedish Ordnance. Soldiers. A country Seat. Cattle, Horses, &c.
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pearance to a ftranger. Every difh, after being cut up,
is handed about in rotation from one to another; every
one helps himfelf and paffes it to the next. "Wine and
all other Liquors ftand upon the table. The rule is, to
help yourfelves without any kind cf ceremony ; they drink
no healths. The Ladies were particularly affiduous) in
perpetually filling our glaffes. The cloth is not drawn
as in England, neither do the Gentlemen fit after the
Ladies rife. Each Gentleman conduétsa Lady to another
fuit of apartments where Coffee is ready prepared, Tea
about three hours after; then’ Cards and Mufic, ora walk
‘till Supper. Upon this occafion feveral Officers both of
naval and military diftin@tion were prefent.
he me et = sant
a om
The day after, we dined With MeiSmaith: and were te
ceived by him with great politenefs. It is the Eurquette
of this country to falute the hand of every Lady you are
introduced to; aceremony you may be affured we did
not forget upon this occafion. We partook of a molk
elegant dinner confifting of various flight difhes, After.
Coffee, Mr. Bowes, Mr. Hall junior, and mylelf, walked,
with the Ladies by the fide of a beautiful canal leading.
- ;
. to
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