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CONSULAR OFFICERS, &c. p. i„ сн. viii.
it, he should, on such occasions, hoist his flag and illuminate the
Consulate. If, however, his participation in such festivities appear
inexpedient for reasons of an altogether special character : e.g., if
there should be reason to believe that by doing so the Consul would
be likely to convey a wrong impression as to the views or intentions
of his Government ; he should decline the invitation in courteous
terms. Russian Consular Officers should also refrain from
participation in any demonstrations directed against the local Government
or authorities and from expressions of sympathy with any political
party. This attitude of reserve, which is indispensable from the
nature of the Consular calling, will also preclude their taking part
in collective manifestations, even though not of a political nature,
since their doing so, from the collective form of the demonstration
and the mutual agreement implied, might be considered to impose
certain responsibilities on the Russian Government. In any such
cases they should first request special instructions from their
If at any time the local authorities should show themselves
dissatisfied or aggrieved in consequence of some action on the part of a
Russian Consular Officer, the latter should spare no effort to clear
up the misunderstanding and to make sure that it does not occur
again. At the same time he must be very careful not in any way
to lower his own dignity or that of his office.
He must defend the rights of his office and those of Russian subjects,
and must take especial care to prevent any injury to the interest-of
the trade or shipping of the Russian Empire. He should, if the
matter has not been regulated by special State treaties, point out to
those concerned the community of interests of the two countries
and, by a careful and exhaustive study of the special circumstances,
be able to prove to the local authorities that, in accepting his
representations, they will be promoting the interests of their own
All requests addressed to the authorities of the country where the
Consul resides must be couched in strictly moderate language.
Uncivil or offensive expressions generally do more harm than good and,
even in cases of difference of opinion, the form of expression should
be in accord with the dignity attaching to Government matters.
If the Consul is unable to obtain satisfaction from the local
authorities and considers that the interests of the country he
represents or those of his countrymen are endangered, he should report
the matter to his immediate superior, i.e., the State Consul or the
Legation or Embassy. Consular Officers are prohibited from
addressing themselves directly to the Central Authorities of the
Consular Officers are, further, not permitted, without special
instructions to that effect, to break off their relations with the local
authorities. Pending instructions, Consular Officers must refrain
from all outward manifestations of their conduct with the authorities,
and if, under such circumstances, they fail to receive adequate
protection from attacks either upon their persons or office (arms and
flag) they must act as best they can under the circumstances, doing
all in their power to avoid a public scandal.
§ 34.
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