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CHAPTER IX.—Inspection of Elective and State
Whenever the interests of the service require it, and at least every
three years, the State Consuls should inspect the Consulates in their
districts. They should examine the affairs of the Elective
Consulates subordinate to them and draw the attention of the Consular
Officers to any measures that should, in their opinion, be taken or
be recommended to the Government, for the furtherance of the
interests of Russian Trade and Shipping. State Consuls in their
turn are inspected, as often as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
considers necessary, by special State employees, sent by the Ministry
for that purpose.1
The object of the Consular revision is2 :—
1. To make sure of the satisfactory organisation of the Consular
2. To check the regular working order of the Consular Office.
3. To control the work of the staff of the Consular Office in respect
of local requirements of the Consular Service.
4. To audit the books and cash.
The inspecting officer has the right to demand that all the books
kept at the Consular Office be shown to him and that access be given
to him to the archives and to the affairs in abeyance. He is
empowered to audit the books, banking accounts and the money in hand
together with the chief of the Consular Office or his representative,
and has the right to be present in all the rooms of the Consular Office
during office hours when the public is received. The staff of the
Consular Office is under the obligation to assist the inspecting officer
by giving him all possible explanations and information on all
questions put by him. The inspecting officer is, however, not allowed
to interfere with the current business and with the explanations given
in Consular offices, but in case he finds some irregularities in the way
the Consular business is performed he may draw the attention of
the chief of the Consular Office to it. If the latter does not concur
with the opinion of the inspecting officer, he has the right to demand
that such differences be mentioned in the protocol of the revision.
The inspecting officer has to report to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
all cases in which he deems it necessary to express himself in favour
of the removal of the head of the office or any of his subordinates.
Should any person belonging to the staff of the Consulate counteract
the inspection, it is necessary for the inspecting officer to
immediately report the matter to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The
results of the inspection are to be incorporated in a protocol signed
by the inspecting officer, the head of the Consular Office, and also by
the persons whose actions are criticised therein. In case of refusal
to sign the protocol, the inspecting officer must make an annotation
about it on the protocol, stating the reasons for the refusal, and the
annotation must be signed by the inspecting officer and the person
1 Cons. Regulations, Ed. 1903, Section II.
2 Circular of the I. Department of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
of 1st December 1912, No. 14,420.
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