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shady walks, well kept lawns,
and beautiful trees (elm, birch,
beech, oak etc.) and shrubs
(lilac, laburnum, mock-orange
etc.). The park is a wonderful
sight in May, when the
cherry-apple- and pear-trees are in
blossom (bloom).
The beds are tastefully laid
out with hyacinths, daffodils,
tulips, forget-me-nots, dicentras
(bleeding hearts) lupins,
peonies, pansies, and many other
pretty flowers.
There is an avenue of
lime-trees leading to a little lake
with a fountain, a favourite
place for children, who come
here with their mothers or
nurses to sail their little boats
and play in the sunshine.
But the greatest attraction
is the band, which plays twice
a week in the summer. Then
the park is crowded with
people, and every seat is taken.
Near the park are the
tennis-courts, and a large open
space, where foot-ball (footer)
is played.
sj’eidi w’åhks, w’el k’ept 1’ahnz
ĕn bj’ohtiful tr’ihz (’elm, b’öhtsj,
b’ihtsj, ’åok ets’etrĕ) ĕn sjr’abz
(l’ailĕk, lĕb’öhnĕm, m’åk’årinzj
ets’etrĕ). Dhĕ p’ahk iz ĕ
w’andĕful s’ait in m’ei, wen
dhĕ tsj’eri-, ’äpl- ĕn p’äĕtrihz
ar in bl’åsĕm (bl’ohm).
Dhĕ b’edz a t’eistfuli l’eid
’aut widh h’aiĕsinths, d’äfådilz,
fag’etminats, dais’entrĕz
(Winding h’ahts), Ij’ohpinz, p’iĕniz,
p’änziz, ĕn m’eni ’adhĕ pr’iti
Dhäĕr iz ĕn ’ävinjo ĕv
l’aim-trihz l’ihding tĕ ĕ litl Teik
widh ĕ f’auntin, ĕ f’eivĕrit
pl’eis få tsj’ildrĕn, ho k’am
h’iĕ widh dhäĕ m’adhĕz åh
n’öhsiz tĕ s’eil dhäĕ litl b’åots
ĕn pl’ei in dhĕ s’ansjain.
Bet dhĕ gr’eitist ĕtr’äksjĕn
iz dhĕ b’änd, witsj pl’eiz tw’ais
ĕ w’ihk in dhĕ s’amĕ. Dh’en
dhĕ p’ahk iz kr’audid widh
p’ihpl, ĕn ’evri s’iht iz t’eikn.
N’iĕ dhĕ p’ahk a dhĕ
t’enis-kåhts ĕn ĕ l’ahdzj ’åopĕn
sp’eis, wäĕ f’otbåhl iz pl’eid.
13. In the Street.
Excuse me, but can you tell
me the way to the station?
(or Which is the right way to
the station, please?) — Walk
13. In dhĕ str’iht.
Ikskj’ohz mi, bet ken j’oh t’el
mi dhĕ w’ei tĕ dhĕ st’eisjĕn?
(åh W’itsj iz dhĕ r’ait w’ei tĕ
dhĕ st’eisjĕn, plihz). W’åhk
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