- Project Runeberg -  The esoteric meaning of the seven sacraments. The ancient therapeuts. /

(1910) [MARC] Author: Mary Karadja
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The Ancient Therapeuts.
It appears at first sight as if the subject of my lectur©
could only be of remote interest to modern men and
More than fifteen centuries have elapsed since the day
when the religious communities of which I intend ta
speak to-night vanished from the face of this globe.
What have we got in common with those silent cenobites
who lived and died in the far-away Libyan desert? We,
in our twentieth century, live in a whirl, and we rush
towards a grave that most of us avoid ever thinking,
about. Our thoughts are centred on the NOW, with its
feverish joys and poignant anguish ; their thoughts ever
circled round a glorious TO-MORROW and its perfect
peace. We build glittering castles in the air that ever
tumble down ; they patiently laboured at the erection
of a spiritual edifice, and that temple—though it was
not completed—cannot be entirely demolished by the
rolling wheel of time. Our highest thoughts and aspira-
tions are immortal and cannot perish. Each man and
woman who leads a noble, unselfish life adds a living
stone to the great invisible building which it is the
mission of humanity to erect.
Modern science has placed an enormous amount of
information at the disposal of the human race. In
ancient times mental wealth was the privilege of the
initiate. The evolution of the heart preceded that of the
brain, as it ever ought to do. The result was harmonious
development of all the faculties. The divine germ was
able to bud, blossom, and carry fruit. In our days
mental growth is all that is desired. Scant trouble is
taken about the culture of man’s moral nature. The

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