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The Floral King. ai
collected all species of herbs and flowers from the
neighbourhood of Lund, but during the summer
vacation he visited his home, when, after consult-
ing his friend Dr. Rothman, it was decided that
Carl should change to the University of Upsala,
where the far-famed Professors Roberg and Rudbeck
lectured in theoretical medicine and botany, and
where a much larger library and the fine botanical
garden afforded greater facilities for the study of his
favourite science.
When a child he had heard of the wonders of this
plantation of beautiful flowers, and in his childish
heart he had wished he might one day become the
gardener of that place. With joyful expectations
he now set out on the journey with this Eldorado
for his goal, there to pursue his studies in which
centred all the ardour of his soul—the yearning to-
read with inspired eyes the writ of love and perfect
order and harmony which God has traced every-
where in His creation, but which only those who
are supremely blessed with virtue and genius are
allowed to decipher.
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