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most sacred sentiments, and has been forced to defend itself.
And through the Spirit of Righteousness and Peace our
people shall reap eternal life. Amen."
" O God, who by Thy holy Apostles hast commanded us
to love the Ruler Thou hast given us, pour the richest blessings j
on our Emperor and all his house ! And above all we pray
Thee, in these the great days of fateful warlike complications,
to bestow Thy grace on our Imperial Lord ! In holy trust
and deep humility he has committed his people to Thy pro-
tection ! For the sake of all of us, preserve his health and
strength ! Enlighten him in his counsels ! Comfort him,
while with a father’s heart he grieves over the wounds of his
empire ! Reward him with victory for his army, and with an
honourable peace ! This grant him, God, the Righteous, for
the sake of the atoning death of our Divine Lord and Saviour !
" O Lord of Hosts ! Uphold our brave German Army !
Thou knowest what a righteous cause it is fighting for, and
how it is pressed by enemies on every hand ! Grant its leaders
wisdom and skill, —grant its soldiers the spirit of constant
self-sacrificing courage and ready obedience ! Let them all
find shelter under the wings of Thy mercy. Thy divinity and
Thy grace ! Grant us this through Thy son our Heavenly
Lord and Saviour ! Amen."
" O Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, who Thyself didst live,
with Thy holy parents, a holy family life, have mercy on our
families at home ! Protect our fair and fertile land, our villages
and towns, our fields and vineyardS; our trade and handicraft !
Protect above all our German youth—Thou the divine friend
of children ! Let the young be deeply imbued with the im-
port of the times and with love of their native land, in this
fateful hour ! But especially comfort each wife whose husband
is resting in foreign soil, for Thy Father is the God of the
widows and the fatherless ! Thou Thyself hadst a mother
whose heart bled with pain and grief ! Console the mothers,
give comfort to the children ! Have mercy on brothers,
sisters and betrothed who are mourning their beloved dead
Thou who livest and reignest from eternity to eternity !
The bands play a hymn whose magnificently solemn notes
re-echo through the church. A quartette strikes up the Ave
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