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We fet off on Thurfday, the firft of Auguft, at three o’clock, and after travelling
three miles arrived at Kolding, a fmall town, in which is a garrifon: we travelled four
miles farther, arriving by noon at Hatterfleben, a pretty town, but without gates. The
poftilions drove us very flowly: we journied all night, and did not arrive at Flenfborg
till Friday, the fecond, at fix in the morning, where we had to do with very uncivil
people, difobliging, and felfifh in the extreme. We left Flentborg at eight in the morn-
ing, pafling over nothing but heath, to Renfborg, where we arrived at ten o’clock at
night. As the gates of the town were clofed, we took up our abode with a friendly
farmer, who from his courteous behaviour might well have been taken for a ftranger.

From this place the country houfes, and even fome in the town, are fingularly plan-
ned: they confift of a large court, to which you enter by a great gate; at the bottom
of this immenfe court are fome apartments; all round, in fheds, the cattle and poultry
are kept, who in confequence are habituated to live very familiarly with the family: the
kitchen is in the corner of the court, which is large enough to ferve for a coach-houfe ;
carriages are kept in it.

We continued our journey, pafling through the town of Renfborg ; it is well forte
fied ; it is divided in two by a canal, on which were many handfome boats carrying
malts ; the fouthern part is very handfome. At four o’clock in the afternoon we ar-
rived at Itzchoa; it isa fine town, of great trade, but not inclofed. We fet off thence
at fix o’clock in the evening; we pals over a fine fertile country, variegated by mea-
dows, and watered by canals. A mile beyond Itzehoa we faw on the fide of the road

a fortified caftle, furrounded by meadows. We {topped a little at midnight in the town
of Elmefhem, “tei arrived on Sunday, the fourth, at eight o’clock in the morning, at

We went to pay our refpects there to M. Pouflin, envoy of the King; he kept us to
dine with M. de la Chetardie, who was returning from his embafly to Pruflia. On Mon-
day, the fifth, and Tuefday, the fixth, we dined there again: we cannot {peak too highly
of the eagernefs he manifefted to have us continually with him. ‘Tuefday he gave a
dinner to M. de Chavigny, who was going as ambaflador to Copenhagen.

Wednefday, the feventh, we went to fee M. Rochefort, commiflary of the marine,
and to take leave of M. Pouflin. We dined at our inn: towards the clofe of dinner
fome Pruffian foldiers, extremely tall, gave us a concert with a bafs viol, a bafloon, vio-
Jins, a guitar, and French horns.

At four o’clock in the afternoon we fet off in our coach; and after travelling two
miles along the northern bank of the Elbe, we croffed it at Blankinefe in a very in-
commodious boat, and conducted by very unfkilful boatmen. We continued our route
in this boat along a little river, which difcharges itfelf into the Elbe, and which allows
of decked veflels to go up of fome burthen; we landed at eight o’clock in the evening
on the bank of this little river. Wewent ona mile farther to Boxtehode, fituated on
the fame river; we arrived there at midnight ; we changed horles there, and left it on
Thurfday, the eighth, at two o’clock in the morning. ‘There are four or five villages
on the road, both fides of which prefent barren uncultivated plains, as far as near to Bre-
men. We dined at one of thefe villages, and fared very well; they prefented us firft
with tea and coffee, which is the cuftom of the country.

At ten o’clock in the evening we arrived near the gates of Bremen, which were al-
ready clofed. Bremen is a very fine and large town ; we were told it contained a church
for the Catholics.

After travelling a mile we pafled by Delmerhorft, continually in a bad country,
nothing but heath and fandy roads. Two miles farther we reached Villenhufen: we


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