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fhould buy or fell fifth before they had duly paid the tythe, enjoining a fine of eight
ortungi, (the ortungus is a kind of money,) and thirteen marks of filver to thofe who
fhould do otherwife.

In the year 1646, the 24th of April, an edict of Chriftian IV. was publifhed, by which
thofe who exercifed the trade of fifhing in larger boats, commonly called Dogger Skuder
or Dogger Baader, on the fhores of Finmark, were ordered to pay the tenth part of the
fifh taken to the king, on the treafurer’s returning the price of the falt, that was
expended on the fifh fo tythed, to the fifhermen. When the fame edict came out
on the 17th of July of the fame year, thofe were exempted from the obligation of the
he who exercife the bufinefs in fmaller boats, or for the fake of domeftic fupport

The people, as ufual, requiring a certain return or bounty out of the tythes they
paid, commonly called Tiende Kande, and the petition being judged and rejected by the
governor of the diftri&, the king, by an edict, dated 8th of February 1639, moft hu-
manely tranfmitted the complaints and requefts of the people to the lawful decifion of
the juridical affembly. All matters then appertaining to this queftion, duly and agree-
ably to Jaw being confidered and difcuffed, a fentence was paffed in the public aflembly
held in 1650, by the judge ; by which a certain meafure of beer was adjudged for every
hundred weight of tythed fifh. In the juridical afflembly held in 1653, in Wardoe,
it was determined by the judge, that of 120 fifh ten fhould be paid as tythe; of which,
in the place of the faid Tiende Kande, that is, a decimal meafure, three pounds were to
be returned to the perfon who paid the tythes.

With refpect of perfons receiving tythes, and alfo of the time and place when and
where they were to be paid, it was determined in the juridical affembly, in the year
1661, that tithes, which hitherto were paid at no ftated times, and only in fmall por-
tions, as the parties willed, fhould henceforth be paid at a ftated time yearly, namely,
at the time of king Canute the Martyr, and on the feftival of All Saints, and alfo fhould
be collected in greater fums.

But as with refpect to tythes, other greater difficulties might yet arife, and really had
arifen, a new decree from royal authority was publifhed in 1685, on this bufinefs, con-
taining many regulations, in which tything, with refpect as well of perfons as of places
and things, was moft juftly arranged and decided on; but it was fpecially determined,
that when tythes were to be paid, left any fraud fhould be committed on the. part of the
perfon who paid, the paftor of the place, certain men in office, as alfo fome feleéted
and {worn from the people themfelves fhould be prefent.

Chriftian the V., of glorious memory, at length put an end to this whole bufinefs
by adecree of April 2, 1687, in which it was conftituted and commanded, that from
every hundred of fifh, ten fhould be contributed, the decimal meafure (Tiende Kande),
above-mentioned being laid afide. Befides, that the decimation fhould be made in the
very place where the fifhes are put on board, for the purpofe of dividing them into three
equal parts, between the king, the church, and the clergyman. For which bufinefs it
was exprefsly given in command to the governor of the diftri& by his facred majelty,
onthe gth of April of the fame year, that an exact account fhould be taken of the
fifh put on board, as alfo the tons of oil, called by the natives Tran, according to
weight and meafure, and that he fhould exaét from every feaman an account of the
fame, that when an eftimate was made of the tenths, a certain rule of tithing might
be made. ‘Tythes having paffed through various regulations and modifications were at
Jaft, by feveral decrees, brought to a fixed and fettled rule.


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