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Specific Gravity of Ice, tried by Dr. Irving.

A Piece of the moft denfe ice he could find, being immerfed in fnow water, thermo-
meter thirty-four degrees,—fourteen fifteenth parts funk under the furface of the water.

In brandy juft proof it barely floated ; in rectified {pirits of wine it fell to the bottom
at once, and diflolved immediately.

September the fourth, at two in the afternoon, we founded with all the lines, above
eight hundred fathoms. Some time before the laft line was out, we perceived a flack, and
that it did not run off near fo quick as before. When we got the lines in again, the firft
coil came in very eafily, and twenty fathoms of the next, after which it took a great
ftrain to move the lead ; a mark was put on at the place where the weight was per-
ceived, and the line meafured, by which the depth was found to be fix hundred and
eighty-three fathoms. ‘The lead weighed above one hundred and fifty pounds, and had
funk as appeared by the line, near ten feet into the ground, which was a very fine blue
foft clay. A bottle fitted properly by Dr. Irving (none of thofe fent out having given
fatisfaCtion) was let down, faftened to the line, about two fathoms from the lead. A
thermometer plunged into the water from the bottom {tood at forty degrees :—in water
from the furface at fifty-five degrees ;—in the fhade, the heat of the air was fixty-fix

Experiments to find the Temperature of the Water at different Depths, made with
Lord Charles Cavendifh’s Thermometer.

Day of the Depth in Fathoms |‘lemperature of | Correction forCom- | Temperature of the | Heat of the Air,
Month. to which it was| the Water as preffion and un-| Sea at the great-
funk. fhewn by the equal Expanfion eft Depth to
Inftrument. of Spirits. which it — was
funk, corrected
for Compaffion
and Expanfion.
° ° ° ro)
June 20 780 15 TI 26 48!
30 A. M. 118 40 I 3t 402
P.M. 115 33 ° 33 443
Auguft 31 673 22 10 32 soz

It appears from the experiment of the firft of July, in which the Inftrument was
compared with Fahrenheit’s Thermometer at different Heats, that the Experiment can-
not be depended on to lefs than two or three Degrees, as the Refults drawn from the
different Comparifons would differ by about five degrees.


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