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each of which muft have detected even the fmalleft error, is the moft fatisfattory proof
of its cerrectnefs. Since my return, I have tried both the theodolite and barometer, to
difcover whether there was any fault in either, and find them upon trial, as I had always
done before, very accurate.

Natural Hiftory.

Tuoucu the fhortnefs of my ftay at Spitfbergen, and the multiplicity of occupations,
in which I was neceflarily employed, during the greateft part of that time, rendered it
impoflible for me to make many obfervations on its natural productions ; yet as there
are among thofe few fome which have not before been made public, I am in hopes that
this article will not be found wholly unprofitable. ‘The following catalogue, imperfect
i it is, may ferve to give a general idea of the {paring productions of that inhofpitable

As modern naturalifts have formed the technical terms of their fcience out of the
Latin, it becomes neceflary to make fome ufe of that language, in order to render the
defcriptions of fuch things as are new, intelligible to thofe for whofe ufe they are intend-
ed: I fhall always, however, annex Englifh names to the fcientifick ones, when fuch are
to be found.

Mamma.ia.—tTrichechus Rofmarus, Linn. Sy/t. Nat. 49. 1.
Arétick Walrus. Penn. Syn. Quadr. p. 335.

This animal, which is called by the Ruffians Morfe, from thence by our feamen cor-
ruptly Sea-Horfe, and in the Gulph of St. Lawrence Sea-Cow,is found every where
about the coaft of Spitfbergen, and generally wherever there is ice, though at a diftance
from the land. It is a gregarious animal, not inclined to attack, but dangerous if at-
tacked, as the whole herd join their forces to revenge any injury received by an indi-

-Phoca Vitulina. Linn. Sy/?. Nat. 56. 3.
Common Seal. Penn. Syn. Quadr. p. 339-
Found on the coaft of Spitfbergen.
Canis Lagopus. Linn. Sy/t. Nat. 95. 63.
Arétick Fox. Penn. Syn. Quadr. p. 155.

Found on the main land of Spitfbergen and iflands adjacent, though not in any abun-
dance. It differs from our fox, befides its colour, in having its ears much more rounded.
It fmells very little. We ate of the flefh of one, and found it good meat.

Urfus Maritimus. Linn. Sy/. Nat. 70. 1.

Polar Bear. Penn. Syn. Quadr. p. 192. t. 20. f. 1.

Found in great numbers on the main land of Spitfbergen; as alfo on the iflands and
ice-fields adjacent. We killed feveral with our mufkets, and the feamen ate of their
flefh, though exceeding coarfe. This animal is much larger than the black bear; the
dimenfions of one were as follows :

Feet, Inches.
Length from the fnout to the tail, - - - 7 I
Length from the {nout to the fhoulder-bone, . - 2 3
Height at the fhoulder, - - - 4 3
Circumference near the fore-legs, - - - 7 °
Circumference of the neck clofe to the ear, - - 2 I
Breadth of the fore- paw, - - - “ ° 7

Weight of the carcale without head, fkin, or entrails, 61olb.
7 Cervus

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