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Med förmågan att inse lagen följer fröet
till straff, liksom till belöning. — Iuga andra
gerningar kunna iderfore tillräknas
samhällsmin enniskan, än- dera som vetande och viljände
begås.*: Ett brottmål kan aldrig yppas, med
mindré lag eller skyldighet varit, eller bordt
vara känd, för den som felat. • Ett barn, en
vanvettig, en idiot, kunna icke* begå brott,
ty handlingar utan medvetande och uppsåt,
aro icke brott. /gnorantia juris, quod quis~
que tenetur scire, neminem* excusat är en
förbindande maxim, endast i alla andra fall.
Det är derfore en allmän regel i Engelskå
lagstiftningen, att den som är utan vilja,
eitler saknar förmåga af vilja — tvant or
de*-fect of will — är ock utan ansvar/*’ — Till de
crimes perpetrated by a multitude, the ringleader
should be punished above his followers* It is even
useful to distinguish the person who struck the
blow, for instance > or picked the lock, from
those .who joined in the felony: not so much on
account of anyr distinction in the guilt of the
offenders, as to throw an obstacle in the way of
confederacies, by rendering it difficult for thb
confederates to settle who shall commence the attack,
or* execute the deed,, to be performed itself.
Injuries effected by terror und violence are those
which it should be the first and chief concern of
legal government to repress: because their extent
is unlimited, becakse no private precaution is a
preservative against them, because they endanger
the life and safety as well as the property, ana
lastly because they render the condition of society
wretched by a sense of personal insecurity.
* Nonest nocens. quicunque non sponte est nocens.
Aristot. in politicis.
** Se Commentaries on laws of England. .
London 1819.
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