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(1918) With: Jesse W. Brooks - Tema: Russia
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Prostrate Russia. (Poem) The Rev. Ernest A. Bell 7
Foreword 13
Manifesto Calling the Conference 17
Program of Conference 23
The Opening Service 27
Brief Word of Greeting. The Rev. Jesse W. Brooks, Ph. D. 29
The Prayer League and the Conference. Mr. Thomas E. Stephens 31
A Quiet Hour Address. The Rev. A. B. Winchester 33
Sacred Sorrow. The Rev. Gustaf F. Johnson 41
The Person and Power of the Holy Spirit. Pastor William
Russia’s People and Their Neighbors. Prof. Michael A. de
Why America Must Take the Leadership in Evangelizing
. The Rev. David Nyvall
The Great Opportunity in Present World Conditions. The Rev.
Gustaf F. Johnson
The Inspiring Vision of a Regenerated Russia. The Rev. A. B.
A Quiet Hour Address. The Rev. A. B. Winchester 79
The Bogoiskateli: or, Seekers After God. Prof. I. V. Noprash 87
The Conference’s Message to President Wilson 96
The President’s Response 97
What Has Been Done to Evangelize Russia? The Rev. Chas. A.
Blanchard, D. D.
What Has Been Done for These People and Their Neighbors
Now in America?
(Symposium) The Rev. Jesse W. Brooks,
Ph. D. (presiding). For the Russian Poles: Mr. Constantine
Antoszewski; for the Poles: Rev. Paul Kozielek; for the
Bulgarians: Mr. Andrew Todoroff; for the Bohemians: Rev. V.
Hlavaty; for the Greeks: Rev. C. T, Papadopoulos; for the
Armenians: Rev. M. M. Aijian
A Great Missionary Program for Russia. Pastor William Fetler 125
The Holy Spirit in Missions. Pastor William Fetler 135

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