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(1918) With: Jesse W. Brooks - Tema: Russia
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30 Brief Word of Greeting hy the Chairman
scattered abroad and present them as one flock with one Shepherd.
May the Lord gather us around Him; to teach us to work in the unity
of the Spirit and the bond of peace for better understanding and for
unity of all evangelical churches in Russia, in love and in peace, in
order to form one Russian evangelical free church."
Xhis. conference is exceedingly j
composite. Great interests are at
stake. May there be a great spirit of loyalty to our Lord and a great
spirit of forbearance and love among the brethren.
In behalf of the Committee I bid you all hearty welcome. Bring
your friends! So far as possible, attend every session! Our names
may soon be forgotten, but the work we are to do here, nay, the work
that God is to do in this conference, will be remembered for all time
to come.
It is peculiarly fitting that this, our first session, should be given
over to you, brethren, of the Swedisli„churches. We welcome you as
our leaders. You have done the pioneer work in evangelizing Russia,
and it is onily fair that we should ask you to take the lead and
to teach us in the matter of planning, and in the matter of giving, as
we enter upon our great undertaking. And now, in humble dependence
upon our Great Commander, we look up, and "Unto Him that is able
to keep us from stumbling, and to present us faultless before the
presence of his glory with exceeding joy, to the only wise God our
Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, now and ever.
Note. Rev. Paul Rader was unexpectedly and unavoidably prevented
from attending- the conference. His place was filled, however, by the
Rev. E. Y. Woolley, Associate Pastor, who also gave warm words of
welcome, and extended heartiest greetings to the conference, in behalf
of the Moody Church.

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