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(1918) With: Jesse W. Brooks - Tema: Russia
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Pastor William Fetler 47
message." And then in that fishy-wishy way he got up and said:
"Well then, I guess I’ll go to Japan." The ministers later ordained
this young man to be a minister of the Gospel, and he applied to a
foreign mission society to be sent out as a missionary to Japan. What
is he going to do over there? That is why I cannot trust some of the
foreign missionary societies. I cannot trust anybody who will send
men who do not know what regeneration and salvation are and what sin
The Indispensable Qualification

Now, therefore, I come back and say: "What is it, my dear friends,
that we ought to take as the one great message?" The one great thing
for any man is the presence and the anointing of the Holy Spirit. "If
any man," says the Apostle Paul, "has not the Spirit of Christ, he is
none of His." You show me a man who has not the Spirit of Christ, and
he is not one of His. My prayers are for this conference. My students
are witnesses—for weeks, for months we have prayed so much that the
Holy Spirit would have a full hand in this conference. I am sick of
Spiritless conventions, and I do not want to go to them. I have been
lecturing at a good many conferences and in a good many churches for
the last four years. Now how are you going to judge a church? Some-
times we can very easily judge it. If we do not see the Holy Spirit In
it, then it is no place of Christ’s. If you do not know that, then you
do not know the A B C of Christianity. People come to me and say,
"Here is a recommendation for this gentleman, the Rev. So-and-So,
D. D." "Praise God," I say, "Let me get in touch with him." And the
thing I am interested in is not how great titles he has or how many
universities he has gone through. The one great thing I care for is,
"Does the Holy Spirit use the man?" I have use for any man or woman
whom the Holy Spirit uses; but I have no use for any man or any
woman, in the Christian ministry, where there is no evidence of the
power of Christ’s Spirit. Suppose there is a man and I hear all kinds
of things about him. I remember the case of a very prominent evangel-
ist with whom I came in contact. I won’t mention his name, because
there is no need of it. Now when I hear things for or against a man,
I don’t take those things into consideration. I go and listen to the
man. I sit quietly somewhere in his meeting. I go to some prayer
meeting that evangelist is leading. I go anywhere where he is and ther*
I try to discover the presence of the Holy Spirit, and if I discover
a trace of the Holy Spirit I will discount everything else about the
man. If the Holy Spirit’s anointing is upon the man, that is enough
for me to know about him.
This, I believe, ought to be emphasized for our mission in Russia. I
would say we do not care in Russia to show simply Protestantism. We

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