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(1918) With: Jesse W. Brooks - Tema: Russia
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Rev. A. B. Windiester 11
tion of a second in time for thousands of years. If they were to lose
their balance but a very trifle, it would mean that they would dash
against the planet, and the planet would dash against other parts of
the solar system; and so the universe would go to smash; but it has not
smashed yet. And why? Because He, with the pierced hands, is seeing
to that. In the stellar heavens His will is done, friends. It is when
His will is not done that things go to smash. His will is not being
done in Chicago by every one of the officials, or even by every one of
the Christia^is. There is room for confusion nowhere where His will
is being done. It is where His will is not being done that there is room
for confusion, but in that day that is coming His will shall be done.
What Can I Do?
Now then, in closing, and I am not going any further, I want to say
just this: "What can I do?" some of you will say. Unbelief always
says, "What can I do?" Here is the greatest problem presented to the
Christian church. I would say, the greatest challenge that the church
ever had; and here in this wonderful, this marvelous day of oppor-
tunity, God is saying: "You go forward," and you say, "Why, you don’t
know who I am. Nobody knows me. I am unknown." Well, there are
times when you wouldn’t say that, and if somebody else would say it,
something would happen. Oh, beloved, I would that we could under-
stand that every one of us is needed in this hour. The Lord is de-
manding and is asking us to do this. He asks us to be good stewards.
What is a steward? A steward used to be a keeper of a styward; after-
ward the word came to be used of anyone to whom was entrusted any-
thing of value. And it is required of stewards that they be faithful. A
lady overheard two men talking in front of the great cathedral at
Cologne. One man said, "We did a good job there." And the lady turned
and saw two rough workmen that possessed no mark of either skillful
workmanship or capacity for architecture. And the lady out of curios-
ity said, "May I ask what it was that you did to the cathedral?" "For
two years, across the street, I mixed the mortar, and we did a good
job." Beloved, God needs men to mix the mortar. Be a mortar-mixer,
if you can’t be anything else. I do believe this, that if you want to say
the twenty-third Psalm as a Christian ought to say it, you ought to say,
"The Lord is my Shepherd, I will not want. He leadeth me beside the
still waters; He maketh me to lie down in green pastures." No man,
any more than a sheep, will lie down unless he is satisfied. And the
reason why there is so much discontent and unrest today is that people
are not satisfied. Why? Because they have no real design and pur-
pose in their lives.
Men are talking about consecration, and saying: "You must do this
in order to be consecrated." I think no word has been so abused as that

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