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(1918) With: Jesse W. Brooks - Tema: Russia
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82 A Quiet Hmir Address
Lord as the Lord of Love, then he abhorred himself. And to tell a boy
that he is loved will help him on. Beloved, what we need to realize
more than anything else is this,
—"We love Him because He first loved
us," and that we are called to be saints; that we are separated; that
we are sanctified; that we are now as pure in God’s sight as the
Lord Jesus Christ is, because everything that belongs to Him is ours."
Oh, what a wonder it is! "Wherefore, holy brethren," you who have
been sanctified. And you notice what follows: "For which cause He
is not ashamed to call them brethren, saying, I will declare thy name
unto my brethren, in the midst of the congregation will I sing praise
unto Thee." Where did He get that? Well, let us see. "And again,
I will put my trust in Him. And again, behold, I and the children whom
God hath given me." Oh, the Scriptures are full of Christ. The sun
Is the center of our solar system. Every planet is swinging in His
orbit, and yet held fast by invisible gravitation to that sun. The Lord
Jesus is central in the Word, He is central in redemption and in provi-
dence, the Lord Jesus is central in the Godhead. You could not know
the Father except through Him. Every part of the tabernacle spoke
of His glory, and every part of the Book speaks of His glory. You
find the Good Shepherd in the twenty-second Psalm, the Great Shepherd
in the twenty-third, and the Chief Shepherd in the twenty-fourth. The
Good Shepherd gave His life for the sheep—that is the twenty-second
Psalm. Then the Great Shepherd is also in Hebrews, thirteenth chap-
ter, "The God of peace that brought again from the dead our Lord
Jesus, that Great Shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the
everlasting covenant, make you perfect in every good work to do His
will." Then you have in I Peter 5:4, the Chief Shepherd. All the
New Testament is full of the death, the resurrection and the glorifica-
tion of Christ.
"Two Men" Not Angels
In the twenty-fourth of Luke two men stood there, speaking of His
resurrection, and you know so many people tell us there were two
angels who appeared to the men of Galilee, but I do not read in my
Bible that there were any angels there; I read there were two men.
They are not named, but I think they were the same two men who,
in the ninth of Luke, were speaking at first of His decease, and now
of His resurrection. Again, in Acts 1:10-11, they are saying, "This
same Jesus which is taken up from you into heaven shall so come in
like manner." And so you have the three Psalms in which the Lord
calls us brethren; first, in His humiliation, when He went down to die
for us; second, in His resurrection, when He is declared the Son of
God, with power by the resurrection from the dead, and third, in His
glorification when He is to come again.

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