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(1918) With: Jesse W. Brooks - Tema: Russia
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Prof. I. V. NeprasJi 93
selves. I am perfectly convinced that were it not for this slavish sub-
jection of the clergy Russia would long ago have found the living faith
in the living God through His Book, because the Orthodox Church, gen-
erally speaking, has never prohibited the reading of the Holy Scrip-
tures. In the history of Russia there was a time when Czar Alexander
I, a very religious man, formed a Holy Alliance of three European
monarchs. They all swore to rule their people according to the teach-
ings of the New Testament. The Russian Bible Society worked then
most energetically under the protection of the Czar and all the high
members of the government. By the ministerial order of Prince
Galitzin copies of the Holy Scriptures were mailed to the subordinate
officials, and they were instructed to guide their lives by the Scriptures
and to distribute the same among the people. This may sound strange
in our ears, for we have heard so much about the persecutions, but this
remains an historic fact. That was a wonderful time. Can you
picture a Russian policeman in the millennium in the role of a col-
porteur? This is exactly what took place in Russia at that time.
Where would Russia be now if she had continued as then? The re-
sponsibility for her discontinuing must be borne by two or three bishops
who feared the consequences of such a program, and therefore opposed
The Very Recent Times
Now, permit me to say just a few words about the very recent times.
"In our days, more than ever before, there can be noticed among the
Russian people a general desire to know God. This desire is so in-
tense that souls, thirsting for salvation, but not enlightened as to the
teaching of the Holy Bible, fall victims of false and deceptive teachings.
They do not know the truth, and the people who do know it have not
come to open their eyes." So wrote the well known student of religious
life in Russia, Mr. Paletsky. These words were written in 1899, but
they are true of any period of Russian history and especially of the
present. The same is true even of the horrible and blood-thirsty
Bolsheviki. Before my departure to America I, together with my
co-workers, were having fifteen gospel meetings a week in five large
halls in different parts of Petrograd. One of the Bolsheviki regiments
offered us their hall, seating 300 people; another offered us the Officers’
Hall. At the close of the services they would come to us and say:
"It is not enough for us to have you here once a week, come oftener.
Please teach us, for we live here like animals. We are tired of politics,
tell us more about God." The people were simply hungry for God.
On the streets you will hear about God. Posters announcing meetings
are to be seen everywhere. Meetings are held not only by the be-

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