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(1918) With: Jesse W. Brooks - Tema: Russia
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THE Holy Spirit and the importance of His work in Christian
missions is my theme and I mean not only foreign missions but
also missions at home, all kinds of missions. Whether we are
sent to Chicago, or New York, or Philadelphia, or Petrograd, that does
not so much concern. If you should ask me what I would prefer to do
if I could tear myself away for a while it would be to go away for
a month somewhere, and take my Bible in hand, and then read up
about the Holy Spirit, as if I had never read about the Holy Spirit
before. This is one of the great regrets of my life, and I suppose, of
the lives of a good many of you, that we do not know all that there
is in the Bible about this important subject.
I consider the study of the Person of the Holy Spirit the great im-
portant matter which we, as Christian ministers and Christian people,
ought to understand. Ignorance about the Holy Spirit seems to me
so appalling and the more I live and walk up and down the country,
both here and also across the sea, the more saddened I am at heart,
because of this ignorance of Christian people.
I just put down in my Bible study last night and this morning
a few thoughts as they have come to my heart, and with this expecta-
tion and with this prayer, that some great change might take place
in the lives of some of you friends, perhaps here before you leave
this conference. For all I know, some of you have been sent here
just for this purpose, to come here and to go away changed.
Dr. Pierson’s Experience
I am not going to speak so much of my personal experience, be-
cause that might be out of place. I will just mention one or two
experiences of men that we know about and about whose experiences
probably there would be no question. Take, for instance. Dr. Arthur
T. Pierson. I remember having read what he said as to his own
ministry. He had been a minister of the Gospel for about twenty-
five years, if I am not mistaken. He had preached as thousands
of others have. He has ascended his pulpit, given an elaborate sermon
or discourse, and worked in his< church with some degree of blessing
and some degree of success. One day he discovered the secret of the
Holy Spirit. He discovered that the promise made to the apostles
and to the early Christian church, had never been revoked; for this
promise is "unto you and to your children, and to all that are afar

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