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Pastor William Fetler 137
are so many wrong conceptions of what the Bible teaches about this
and about everything else, because people just go by what the news-
paper editorials say. They go by what the country says, not by what
the Head of the Church says. Some Christian workers let the world
take possession of them, and then we are surprised that the Holy
Spirit does not rest upon them in power. How is it that there is not
a great deal of revival spirit in our ministry? Why is it that there is
is no revival spirit in our church?
I will go to the First Epistle of the Apostle John and read a verse in
the second chapter: "Love not the world, neither the things that are
in the world. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the
lust of the eyes, and the pride of life is of the world." I cannot
understand why a Christian man or woman would want to have so
many unnecessary things that the heathen pile up in their houses.
Now, the Word of God calls this "the pride of life." You want to be
like the Egyptians, like the people round about you. I went once to
the palace of a princess in Russia. She had come under the influence
of the Gospel years before that time. She read the Bible, and prob-
ably she thought that the Lord must be very thankful that a princess
believes in the Bible. I was staying there several days, having Bible
readings in her house. And one day she said, "Just consider this
your home. Just come here when you are tired and worn. Just
consider this the Lord’s home." She had great property there, worth
millions, thousands of cattle, horses and all kinds of things. There
was another friend with me. Brother Kuldell of the Jewish Christian
work is this country, and we both felt like pilgrims and strangers
with scarcely a place to put down our heads. I said to him: "If
this were the Lord’s palace, I think He would sell it quickly, and go
and give the money to evangelize the Russian millions." Why in the
world does a princess need five hundred rooms in her palace and a
thousand horses? I can get along well with one horse. Don’t you
see now what I mean? Oh, the pride of life! When we are poor
people we want to make money and then when we get money we
want to get more things all the time.
Sin Pi’events the Spirit
When I married my wife I told her: "We must be missionaries.
We are going from place to place. We have here no abiding city."
That was not said of missionaries only, but of all Christians. There
are lots of Christian people, members of Christian churches in this
country and in Europe, who have forgotten all about this. The Word
of God says that "the lust of the flesh" is also not of the Father.
It is also part of the world that will keep out the Holy Spirit. And
then there are men and women who think nothing of it. Let me
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