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(1918) With: Jesse W. Brooks - Tema: Russia
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A Symposium 207
Slavonic folks are on quite a different basis, because there are here
hundreds of thousands of Russians, hundreds of thousands of Ukrain-
ians, Bohemians and Poles and all of them have great numbers of
connections with relatives, their home folks, on the other side.
Russians and Slavs Here
Now I have marked down here three or four points which I would
like to emphasize. All of what has been said seems to crystalize
around two important departments. First, how to reach the Slavonic
people in this land in order to get them saved for evangelistic work
among the foreigners here (by "here" meaning not only the United
States, but also Canada). Then the other department, "How to reach
the folks on the other side after these people on this side have been
saved, and that has been touched upon by some of the speakers,—to
train as many as can be influenced to give themselves, the whole of
their lives to the Lord’s work, to train them for work among Russians,
both on the other side and also here. Now, in succession, how to
achieve that, let me make a number of statements. First, let us get
as large a number as possible of consecrated, Spirit-filled missionaries
and evangelists. Already before us is a number of them, having been
working in connection with the Chicago Tract Society and with the
various home mission boards, as the Presbyterian, the Baptist, the
Methodist, and so on. Now, of course, we must get as many mis-
sionaries as possible to evangelize the foreigners in this country. I
emphasize the word "evangelize." I mean exactly what that word
stands for, because, as Brother Neprash said, a great deal of mixture
has been going on up and down this country. I know, for instance, of
a mission in New York City where a man had been employed, a man
who talked the Russian language quite fluently; and when I was ban-
ished from Russia and came to New York, the flrst Saturday I
noticed the Russian newspaper announcement of a Russian Gospel
meeting. I went to the place with another Russian missionary. There
was nothing of the Gospel. It was a political meeting and the speaker
got up before the crowd; and I thought, "That foolish fellow." He
could reach more people and bring them to Christ, if he would preach
the Gospel and not talk politics. Now Christ said: "When I shall be
put on the cross, when I shall be preached criicifiecl, then I will draw
all people to Myself." But that was a meeting where they talked revo-
lution. That man was a missionary supported by American Christians,
and I simply think, I ought to make these facts public. I want the
American Christian people who give money for missions to know that
they should control and see that nothing but the pure Gospel is
preached with American Christian money. In that same meeting,
this learned man said, "Why the Russian government has been perse-

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