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(1918) With: Jesse W. Brooks - Tema: Russia
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244 The Conference Message
line the conviction of those who unite with each other for the task
1. We believe in the Godhead, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, one
God in whom all things have their source, support and end.
2. We believe in the Bible as the Word of God; the revelation of
His character and work and the expression of His will for man; the
only source of authority in spiritual truth, and the rule of faith and
practice. We account the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments
as infallible, the expression of divine thought in divinely chosen
human words as "men spoke from God, being moved by the Holy
3. We believe in the deity of Jesus Christ; His eternal oneness with
the Father; His virgin birth through the power of the Holy Spirit;
so that He was "God manifested in the flesh," or God-expressed in
terms of humanity for self-revelation and saving power.
4. We believe in salvation through Divine sacrifice; that all men
sharing the fallen nature of our first parents are "dead in trespasses
and in sins," "separated from the life of God through the ignorance
that is in them," and subject to the penalty of broken law through
actual transgression; that "God was in Christ reconciling the world
unto Himself, not reckoning unto them their trespasses"; that in
the cross of Christ sin was borne and a righteousness of God was
manifested that God "might Himself be just and the justifier of him
that hath faith in Jesus."
5. We believe in the physical resurrection of Jesus Christ from
the dead. His ascent to the heavenly places, and in His bodily pres-
ence in glorified form at the right hand of God as our Priest and
Advocate. <
6. We believe in the deity and personality of the Holy Spirit, who
through the ages shared with the Father and Son all work of crea-
tion, providence, and revelation, and that at Pentecost His ministra-
tion was broadened to baptize all believers into one body, that He
indwells believers producing consciousness of sonship with God and
energizing for service; that He is the administrator of Christ in the
Church and is present to "convict the world in respect of sin, and of
righteousness and of judgment."
7. We believe that the Church of Christ consists of those who in
every age become united to Christ by living faith and the indwelling
of the Holy Spirit; that the Church is thus a spiritual organism, the
body of Christ; that companies of believers in every age and locality
united by common purposes of worship and service are in their con-
gregational and denominational forms, organizations properly desig-
nated as churches, but that only the body of true believers united to
Christ by faith and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit constitutes the

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