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(1918) With: Jesse W. Brooks - Tema: Russia
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Brief Messages from Some Absentees 247
I trust that the presence of the Lord may be manifest in every
session of the conference, and that it may contribute largely to the
evangelization of Russia in this hour of her crisis and of missionary
A. J. Ramsey,
Dean, Missionary Training Institute, New York.
I am increasingly impressed with the tremendous opportunities of
the evangelization of Russia and with God’s evident hand in it all,
and am grateful to have even the small touch with the movement,
and with the plans for a conference.
Chaeles Gallaudet Trumbull,
Editor, Sunday School Times.
I take great pleasure in signing the Manifesto. I have the con-
version of Russia on my heart. I have been praying daily for her
for years. I am ready to give my person, time and means that Russia
may be saved. May God bless this movement! I believe He will.
Don S. Colt,
Madison Square M. E. Church, Baltimore, Md.
I am very glad to know of the bright prospects for your conference
in Chicago. I do wish it were possible for me to be with you even for
a day, but I fear it is wholly out of the question. My work here, and
with the National Service Commission, have so developed that they
are claiming every minute of my time.
John F. Carson,
Central Presbyterian Church, Brooklyn, New York.
Cablegram from Petrograd
Per Ro’bert Lansing, Secretary of State.
Invitation received today, June 12th. Regret necessary absence.
Methodists are praying for blessed conference in Russia’s behalf, also
for world made safe for Christian democracy. Sing: "Faith of Our
Fathers." G. A. Simons,
Superintendent, M. E. work at Petrograd.
I have read the statement of the call with much interest. We be-
lieve, with those interested in the calling of this conference, that
there is a wonderful opportunity for the Christian world today in
making the effort for the evangelization of Russia. Therefore you may
count upon us as heartily approving the conference.
William Albert Harbison,
Pittsburgh, Pa.

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