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(1918) With: Jesse W. Brooks - Tema: Russia
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248 Brief Messages from Some Absentees
I am thinking much of you this week and praying for a blessing
upon your conference. If I could only have come to be with you I
should have been very happy, but it was impossible. With warm re-
gards, and praying that light may shine upon the nation now suffer-
ing so terribly, I am, Faithfully yours,
Floyd W. Tomkins,
Church of the Holy Trinity, Philadelphia.
I am confident that while the conference is kept true to the evangel-
ical spirit, its aims will be broad and inclusive, and will not fall into
the hands of extremists in any line of thought that will make it im-
possible for good people who do not believe in all points as we do, to
join heartily in support of the work. Such a great idea as the evangel-
ization of Russia demands the co-operation of all evangelical Chris-
tians, however, they may differ one from another in regard to points
which are not essential to the genuine evangelical faith. The atheism
and materialism of Russia which we must fight demand the co-opera-
tion of all earnest Christians who are in essential agreement con-
cerning the truth. Francis E. Clark,
United Society of Christian Endeavor, Boston, Mass.
From Evangelical Committee in Sweden.
We here in Sweden have been waiting for this many years. We
thank you for the invitation to a General Conference in Chicago. For
several reasons we are not able to send any representatives from our
organization, but we will avail ourselves of this opportunity of calling
attention to a matter regarding the work in Russia, which we hope
will be considered by the conference.
In our work which now has been going on for fourteen years we
have followed the principle of not pressing any certain denominational
doctrines or not trying to win the Russians for any special church.
Our aim has been to give them the Gospel in their own language and
to teach them the fundamental Christian truths in order that they
may be converted and become living Christian believers. Which de-
nomination each person afterwards should choose to join is a matter
of very secondary importance and should never be allowed to disturb
the peace, love and confidence between those who have become true
We are earnestly hoping that this General Conference in America
will be successful in stimulating the intense interest of the American
Christian people for evangelical work in Russia and that great results
may come from your meeting.
May God’s blessing be with you all in this all important work!
The Committee for Evangelical Mission in Russia,
Stockholm, May 3, 1918. P. E. Werner, Chairman.

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