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Statistics and Sport.
”Get off the beaten track” by trying a trip to
unknown Sweden for all kinds of sport or a quiet
rest at one of the many Hydros.
Sweden is undoubtedly a fine country for sport
which is unknown to American and British
sportsmen because the Swedes have not understood how
to advertise their country in the same manner as
Norway and Switzerland have done.
Our advice is book only to Gothenburg and on
arrival you can always find out from the Travel
Bureaux (our firm only act as guides and interpreters
but we are willing to help you with free advice) where
the best sport can be obtained for the kind you are
most interested in.
No less than 8 percent of the surface of Sweden
is water, the lakes covering 14,000 sq. miles,
Norwegian lakes 3,000 sq. miles, (Vänern, the largest
lake is 2,150 sq. miles). The length of Lake Vänern
is about 100 miles compared to Loch Lomond in
Scotland 24 miles, and Lake Windermere in
England is 11 miles long. The length of Sweden is
nearly 1,000 miles and over 400 miles broad, while
its area is 170,644 sq. miles, or about three times the
size of England and Wales. The Swedish islands
cover in all an area of 3,000 square miles, and the
length of the coast is about 3,000 miles.
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