- Project Runeberg -  A few plain facts about Gothenburg, Sweden, 1930 /

(1930) [MARC] - Tema: Göteborg
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Gothenburgs Stadion near Slottsskogen
Gothenburgs Stadion near Slottsskogen

The highest mountain is Kebnekaise 7,000 feet high
as compared to Snowden 3560 feet (in England and
Wales). In the same district are to be found the
greatest waterfalls: Stora Sjöfallet (Great Lake Falls)
2,200 feet across and 130 feet high, and Harsprånget
(The Hare’s Leap) a chain of falls and rapids about
980 feet in length and with a total height of 240 feet.
Among the mountain lakes one of the largest is
Torneträsk, 82 sq. miles in area. There are also
some 200 glaciers.

Of the North-Swedish rivers the Muonio-Torneälv
has a length of 350 miles compared to the Thames
250 miles; the Luleälv, along the course of which
occur the above-mentioned falls, is 280 miles long.

Sweden is 12 times the size of Switzerland so that
you have better opportunities for good sport in
Sweden and you will find the Swedes worthy
to compete against.

Rainfall in Norway 40 to 70 in. annually. The
rainfall in Sweden is greatest on the shores of the
Cattegat 30 inches yearly. Norrland with a winter
of 8 months only 16 inches. The average rainfall
for London is less than 24 inches (604 mm.) in
twelve months, in Edinburgh, a trifle more, and in
Dublin 27 inches (696 mm.).

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