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(1845) Author: Erik Gustaf Geijer Translator: John Hall Turner
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Eric brought to Trial before the Estates, and Deposed.

His Imprisonment and Sufferings............................ 159

Plots for his Release. Resolution of the Council of

State to despatch him............................................ 160

He is poisoned by the Servants of Duke John. His

Widow and Children.............................................. 161

Fortunes of his son Gustavus in Poland and Russia..... 162


john and charles. a.d. 1569—1592.

John acknowledged King. Position of Duke Charles.

Charter of Privileges to the Nobility........................ 163

Congress of Stettin, and Peace with Denmark. War

with Russia.......................................................... 164

Successes in Livonia and on the Finnish Border. The

Crown-Prince Sigismund elected King of Poland....... 165

Design of John to restore Popery. Arrival of Jesuits

in Stockholm........................................................ 166

State of the Church, and the Popular Belief.
Provisions of the Kirk’s Ordinance.............................. 167

Machinations of the Jesuits. King John’s Liturgy....... 168

His Embassy to Rome, and Proposals to the Pope.

Abandonment of Papistical Tendencies.................... 169

Exasperation of the Differences between the King and

Duke Charles. Division of the Royal Patrimony...... 170

Dispute between them as to the Government of Livonia.

Intentions of Gustavus I. respecting the Government 171
Crown-rights over the Nobility. The Equestrian
Service. Views of the Swedish Nobles in this Age
illustrated from the Treatise of Count Brahe................... 172

Disputes as to the Civil and Ecclesiastical Government

of the Duchy........................................................ 173

Reflections on the Character and Policy of King John.

’ His Second Marriage. Affairs of Poland.................. 174

Statutes of Calmar, for the future Union and Govern-

ment of Sweden and Poland.................................... 175

Family of Vasa. The King’s Suspicions of Treason in

J the’Council.......................................................... 176

Regulations of the Mines. Improvements of Duke

Charles in Vermelana............................................ 177

Mismanagement and Profusion of the Court. John

determines to visit his son Sigismund...................... 178

The King’s Departure, and Stay in Reval.
Remonstrances of the Council and the Army....................... 179

The King’s R.eturn ; his Disgust with the Council........ 180

The Estates convoked. Arraignment of Six Lords of
the Council for their Conduct at Reval, and Design

to annul the Hereditary Settlement........................ id.

Despotic Conduct of the King; his Harshness towards
the Accused. The Russian War. Horn’s Heroism,

Unjust Condemnation, and Pardon......................... 181

Illness and Death of John.......................................... 182


charles against sigismund. a. d. 1592—1598.

Education of Sigismund by his Father in the Catholic
Faith. Proceedings of Duke Charles in his absence.
Pardon of the Accused Lords. The Duke’s Covenant

with the Council................................................... 183

Synod of Upsala. Abrogation of John’s Liturgy........... 184

The Calvinists declared Heretics. Fears as to the
admission of the King. Mission of Thure Bielke to

obtain Guarantees from Sigismund.......................... 185

The King’s arrival. Disorders at Stockholm. Diet of

Upsala. His acceptance of the proposed Conditions.. 186
The Coronation. Opinion of Gustavus Adolphus as to
Sigi9mund’s Conduct and Policy. Renewal of the
Abuses of the former Union. Postulates of the Nobles 187
Sigismund’s Charter of Privileges to their Order.
Arrangements for his Departure to Poland................... 188

Quarrels of the Poles and Swedes. His Embarkation.
Position of the Council; vast Infeudations to several
of its Members...................................................... 189


Pretensions of the new Lieutenants to Independence
of the Duke. Re-erection of the University of
Up-sala. Peace with Russia. Disturbances raised by

Fleming, the Governor of Finland........................... 190

Convention of the Estates by Duke Charles at Soder-

koeping. Measures against the Catholics................. 191

Kirk-inquest by the Archbishop. Distress and
Discontent. Letter of the Dalesmen in support of Duke

Charles. Civil War in Finland............................... 19-3

The Duke renounces the Government, and convokes

the Diet of Arboga................................................ 193

Announcement of Sigismund’s purpose to return.
Decrees of the Estates in favour of the Duke.
Arrival of Sigismund. Negotiations and Hostilities.

Fights of Stegeborg and Stangbridge........................ 194

Treaty of Linkoeping. Flight of Sigismund. Charles
declared by the Estates Hereditary Prince Regnant.... 195


charles ix. a. d. 1599—1611.
Consequences of Sigismund’s Flight. Disorders in

Upper Sweden...................................................... 196

Severities against the King’s Adherents. Execution of
John Sparre, brother of the Chancellor, and others.
Diet of Linkoeping. Arraignment of the Royalist

Nobles................................................................. 197

Condemnation of the Accused, and Execution of their
Chiefs. Banishment of other Nobles of the King’s

Party.................................................................. 198

Offer of the Crown by the Estates at Linkoeping to the
Duke. Military Operations in Livonia. Negotiations

with the Poles. Visit of Charles to Finland............. 199

Condition of the Peasantry of that Province.
Reflections on the Career and Position of Charles. His

Generous Conduct to his nephew, Prince John.......... 200

Diet at Stockholm. His View of Foreign Affairs.
Famine and Plague. Refusal of the Crown by

Charles. New Council appointed........................... 201

His Religious Opinions, and Controversy with the
Archbishop.................................................................. 202

Projects of Religious Union. Rebukes to the Clergy.
Correspondence of Charles with the University of

Upsala................................................................. 203

Acceptance of the Crown by Charles in 1604.
Hereditary Settlement of Norrkoeping. Measures for the

Organization of the Military Force........................... 204

The King’s Relations with the Nobility. Projects for

the Amendment of the Law.................................... 205

Correction of Judicial Abuses. Regulation of the
Provincial Governments and Magistracy....................... 206

Commercial Measures. Import and Export Duties.

Mines and Manufactories. Survey of the Country... 207
War in Livonia. Revolutions of Russia. Disputes

with Denmark. Invasion by Christian IV................ 208

The King’s Negotiations with Foreign States. His
Death. Spirit of his Life and Reign....................... 209


ADMINISTRATION. A. D. 1611—1632.
Sketch of the Early Life and Education of the King by

Chancellor Oxenstiema.......................................... 210

His First Campaign against the Danes........................ 211

His acknowledgment by the Estates, and Accession to
the Government. View of the effects of the
Hereditary Settlement..................................................... 212

The Royal Warranty; Restrictions stipulated on the
Power of the Crown. Legal Rights and Obligations

of the Nobility...................................................... 213

Policy of former Kings with regard to the Feudal
Prestations; Efforts of Charles IX. and Gustavus Adol-

phus to give the Order a Military Character............... 214

Prevalence of the Military Spirit in the Government..... 215

Aristocratic and Democratic Parties; Oxenstiema and
Skytte................................................................. 216

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