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364 A History of Sweden
made a name for themselves in Swedish literature and
art, men like Ling, the founder of Swedish gymnastics,
Geijer, Sweden’s greatest historian, and Tegner, its
greatest poet.
Per Henrik Ling. Among them the most original old
Goth was Ling, "the
Asa-bard and cham-
pion" as he was called
by his contemporaries.
To him, gymnastics and
literature coalesced into
one purpose, to infuse
new strength into the
weakened descendants
of the old Goths. He
was born in Ljunga, in
the poorest and wildest
part of Smaland. Like
so many other promi-
nent men of Sweden, he
was a minister’s son.
In early years he lost
both father and mother, and had to shift for himself
and became inured to want and hard work.
In childhood and early youth he was not of robust
health. To strengthen himself he engaged in fencing
and gymnastics. By this means he soon changed the
sickly youth into a giant in strength. He discovered
what a source of health and strength proper exercise
is. He would now teach his people this simple remedy
for weakness and dullness. He made a thorough study
of anatomy and developed a system of gymnastics that
Per Henrik Ling.
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