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The Gothic School 365
would afford each muscle of the body its proper exer-
cise. Thus he became the founder of Swedish gymnas-
tics, the principles of which have been adopted by most
civilized countries. He made gymnastics a real art.
This was his great life’s work, the work for which he
is especially remembered, though he is also known for
his literary productions.
Erik Giistaf Geijer was born at Ransater in Verm-
land. His parents were
well to do. His father
was the owner of the
ironworks at the place.
It was a happy and hos-
pitable home he came
from. He writes: "I
thank God for the best
of parents. The happy
spot their kindly care
hallowed remains as
sunshine in my breast/’
Through rambles in
forest and field, skating
excursions, and swim-
ming bouts he devel-
oped into a strong and
robust youth. He re-
mained an enthusiastic sportsman to the end of his life.
He first became known as a poet. Among his most
noted short poems are, The Viking, The Freeholder
(Odalbonden), The Charcoal Boy, and The Last Scald.
He was also a composer of music and wrote the melo-
dies of many of his songs. But he is greatest as a
Erik Gustaf Geijer.
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