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422 A History of Sweden
forced to abdicate, 129; marriage,
Eric the Lisper and the Lame, 65
Eric the Saint, king of Sweden, 62
Ericsson, John, inventor, 342; his
propeller revolutionized navies, 382 ;
his Monitor contributed to Lincoln’s
triumph, 382; honored after death
by U. S. government, 381; by Swe-
den, 384
Ericsson, Leif, discoverer, 31
Ericsson, Magnus, chosen king,
united Sweden and Norway, 75 :
abolished slavery, 76; established
code of laws, 76; union dissolved,
77; king dethroned, 80
Ericsson, Nils, railway builder, 342
Eriksson, Christian, sculptor, 370
Estates established, 68; abolished, 345
Eugene, Prince, painter, 378
Exploration: discovery of Northcoast
Passage by Nordenskiold, 385; Tibet
and central Asia explored by l!cdin,
Fabritius, Jacob, Dutch Lutheran pas-
tor in New Sweden, 396
Fairhair, Harold, 30
Falkoping, battle of, 86
Falun copper mine, 66, 167, 338
Ferdinand II, emperor, 152
Fersen, Fredrik Axel von, thwarts
royal plot, 271
Fersen, Hans Axel von, aids French
royalty in flight, 303; murdered, 316
Finland, 20; ceded to Russia, 309; in-
dependent, 389
Finspong iron works, 167
Fleming, Klas, naval commander, 176
Flint implements, earliest found, 1
Folkung family, 77
Forkbeard, Sweyn, conqueror of Eng-
land, 39, 50
Fort Casimir taken, 894; recaptured,
Fort Christina, 393
France, vikings in, 39
Frederick I chosen king, 241; reign
of, 243-268 ; power vested, in Estates,
243; new code of laws, 245; ad-
ministration by Chancellor Arvid
Horn, 246 ; peace policy, and internal
development, 248; rise of war party,
252; chancellor forced out, 353; Hat
and Cap parties, 253; war Policy
revived, 253; Sinclair murder kindles
war spirit, 253; war on Russia de-
clared, 254; insubordination in the
army, 255; capitulation of Helsing-
fors, 256; failure of the war, 257;
dominant influence of Russia, 257;
rally of Hat party, 258; national
defense strengthened, 258; Tessin’s
administration, 259; industrial policy
of Hats, 259 ; foreign trade developed,
261; cultural development, 262-8
Frederick VI, 321
Fredrika Bremer Association, 351
Fredrikshamn, treaty of, 309
Fredrikssten, siege of, 239
Freedom of the press, 286, 314; strug-
gle for, 328
French Revolution, 302 ; States Gen-
eral, 302; National Assembly, 302;
National Convention, 303
Friedland, battle of, 304
Frey, Norse god, 23, 26, 56
Freya, Norse goddess, 24
Frigg, Norse goddess, 24
"Fritjofs Saga" by Tegner, 367
Froding, Gustav, poet, 373
Fryxell, Anders, historian, 366
"Fury of the Northmen," 40
Futhork, runic alphabet, 16
"Fylkeskonung," 20
Fyris Plain, battle of, 48
Gange-Rolf (Rollo), 39
Geijer, Erik Gustaf, poet and historian,
329, 365
Geographical divisions, 19
Germany, vikings in, 39
Girelius, Lars, pastor in Christina, 402
Glacial Period, 1
Gloria Dei Church (Old Swedes’
Church), Philadelphia, 400
Gdrtz of Holstern, baron, minister of
finance to Charles XII, 238; issues
token money, 238 ; executed, 241
Gdta Canal, Sweden’s inland water-
way, 341
Gothic Society founded, 363
Gothland, 20, 30
Goths, land of, 19
Greenland, ice covering, 1; colonized,
Griffenfeldt, Peder, chancellor, 199
Grip, Bo Jonsson, 85
Gross-Beeren, battle of, 321
Grundtvig, Nikolai, Danish bishop,
father of the public school, 357
Gulf of Finland, 34
lustavian Hereditaments, 169
Gustavus (Ericsson) Vasa, or Gustavus
I, 98-126; liberator, 98; escaped from
Danish prison, 98; adventures in
Dalecarlia, 99; chosen commander of
Dalecarlians, 102; peasants’ war of
liberation, 104 ; victory at Vesteras,
104 ; siege of Stockholm, 105 Gustavus
elected king, 105; his administration,
109, 116; introduced the Lutheran
Reformation, 109-114; new faith
established at Vesteras Riksdag, 112 ;
castles and strongholds of bishops
confiscated, 114; defense of the
realm, 115; agriculture promoted,
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