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Index 423
116; mining industry improved, 117;
commerce encouraged, 117 ; the Dacke
insurrection, 118; king’s arbitrary
rule, 119 ; dismissed councillors, 119 ;
pillaged churches, 119; letters of
king to peasantry, 120-122; auto-
cratic methods abandoned, 122; Suc-
cession Act adopted, 122 ; personal-
ity of King Gustavus, 123; his fami-
ly, 123; his old age, 124; his fare-
well address, 124 ; his last will, 125 ;
his death, 126
Gustavus II Adolphus, 145-170; early
problems, 145; training and attain-
ments, 145; relation to his people.
146; war with Denmark, 147; Elfs-
borg ransom, 148; war with Russia,
148; war with Poland, 149, 151;
Thirty Years’ War, 151-165; fare-
well to his people, 153; articles of
war, 155; death of king, 164; esti-
mate, 164; domestic administration
of justice, 165; of commerce, 166;
of mining, 167 ; of agriculture, 167 ;
of communications, 168 ; of educa-
tion, 169; University of Uppsala
promoted, 169; founding of New
Sweden, 392
Gustavus III, reign of, 279-300; char-
acter and aim, 279; bloodless revo-
lution, 280; constitutional change,
282; Russian threats and French
support, 283, currency reform, 284;
trade restrictions removed, 285;
torture abolished, 285; religious free-
dom for foreigners, 285; freedom of
the press, 286; brilliant court life,
287; promotion of literature and art,
287; government monopoly of dis-
tilleries, 290; brandy bane of nation,
290; extravagance causes discontent,
291; dissipation abandoned for con-
quest, 292; war with Russia, first
part, 293 ; treason in the army, 294 ;
attack by Denmark, 295; new revo-
lution, 296; war with Russia, second
part, 297; escape from Viborg, 297;
victory at Svensksund, 298; peace
with Russia, 298; assassination of
the king, 299
fi’istavus IV Adolphus, reign of. 300-
311; character, 301; antagonism to
Napoleon, 304; sacrifice of Finland,
304; Finnish War, 305-310; Finland
ceded to Russia, 309; treaties with
Denmark and France, 310; king
deposed, 311; exiled in Switzerland,
Gustav V, reign of, 333-4; (also under
Bernadotte Period)
Gutenberg, John, 93
Gyllenstierna, Christina, 96, 98
Gyllenstierna, Johan, councilor, 202
Gymnasia founded, 169
Hague Court of Arbitration, 388
Hakan Magnusson, king of Norway,
75, 8S
Halland, province, 20, 30
Hallstrom, Per, author, 373
Hamburg, commercial treaty of, 65;
peace treaty of, 272
Hanseatic League, 66
Haroldsson, Olaf (Saint Olaf), 55
Harold Fairfaair, 30
Hasselberg, Per, sculptor, 379
Hat party, origin of, 253; mismanage-
ment by, 273; ousting of, 273
"Hatunaleken" (the Hatuna Game).
Havamal, quoted, 23, 27, 28
Hazelius, Arthur, founder of Skansen
and Northern Museum, 358
Hedin, Sven, explorer, writer, 386; ex-
plores Central Asia, 386
Heidenstam, Verner von, poet and his-
torian, 373
Heimdall, 23
Hela, Norse goddess, 27
Helsingborg, battle of, 233
Helsingfors capitulates, 256
Herring fisheries at dresund, 64
Hierta, Lars, publisher of "Aftonbla-
det," 328
History of New Sweden by Acrelhn,
"History of the Swedish People," by
Geijer, 366
Hjarne, Urban, foe of witchcraft super-
stition, 209; court physician, 211
Hjort, Peter, pastor in New Sweden,
Hogland, battle of, 294
Hollander, Peter, governor of New
Sweden, 393
Holmgard (Novgorod) founded by
Northmen, 34
Horn, Arvid, chancellor, 246; reckless
warrior, cautious statesman, 247 ;
peace policy of, 248
Horn, Gustav, commander, 158, 160.
171; taken captive, 172
Horn, Klas, naval hero, 143
Huss, Magnus, physician, 353
Ibsen, Henrik, dramatist, 372
Ice Age, 1; ended in Scandinavia, I
Iceland colonized, 31
Idun, Norse goddess, 24
Illumination, Age of. 360
Ilmen, lake, 34
Inquisition, 132
Inscriptions on rocks, 11
International relations, 387-90; Union
with Norway, 387; during World
War, 389; Finland made independent
state, 389; North Schleswig returned
to Denmark, 390
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