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Resultatet av komiteens arbeide er nedlagt i «Report of the
Committee appointed by the Fishery Board for Scotland to enquire
into the Scottish Whaling industry», Edinburgh 1920.
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«The Committee accordingly find:
1. That the herring fishery on the west, north, and
north-east coasts of Shetland was formerly a prosperious industry,
but has of recent years diminished and finally disappeared.
2. That numerious and costly curing stations existed at
Balta Sound, Hillswick, Ronasvoe, Scalloway, and elsewhere which
have now for the most part been utterly abandoned, and whose
abandonment has been attended with great financial loss.
3. That the decline of the fishing in question was coincident
with the development of the whaling industry in Shetland and
began soon after its introduction into the islands.
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