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236 •
4. That a belief is strong and universal among fishermen
and curers, is unanimously maintained by the County Council
of Zetland, is general among the whole population of Shetland,
and is furthermore concurred in by curers and owners of drifters,
visiting these areas from Scotland and England, that the
intro-duction of whaling and the decline of the herring fishing on the
west, north and north-east of Shetland are directly related as
cause and effect.
5. That this general and unquestioned belief is ln itself a
deterrent influence upon the herring fishing and is enough to
prevent the revival of the western and northern stations or the
resort of fishermen to waters frequented by the whalers.
6. That there is a vast disparity between the magnitude and
importance to the Shetlands of the two industries — the one
consti-tuting the real wealth and being essential to the prosperity of
Shetland, and the other small, new, and alien to the islands.
7. That all the leases of the whaling stations in Shetland
expire not later than Whitsunday 1923, and that of the station
in Harris in 1927.
8. That the case of the whaling companies that the failure
of the herring industry in the areas in question is wholly due to
economic causes and to the concentration of the herring fishing
industry at Lerwick is not proved.
9. That no specific complaint was proved or even made of
any detrimental effect on the herring fishing arising from the
operations of the whalers from Bunaveneader in Harris, and that
no evidence of local feeling in the Hebrides against the whaling
industry was adduced.
The Committee recommend:
1. That, having regard to the practically unanimous belief
of the fishing industry and the inhabitans of Shetland generally,
concurred in by the fishing and curing interests of both Scotland
and England, as to the injudious effects of whaling operations,
such operations from stations in Shetland should now be
2. That the Whale Fisheries aet, 1907, should be amended
so as to prohibit whaling operations being carried on from any
part of Shetland.»
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