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"There are no more vacant, except one, and that ]aas already
been spoken for by another gentleman," replied Christine.
"Never mind, go; there must be a change ruade." With
these words, the colonel gestured fo ber that she should go, and
then threw himself upon a sofa, and, withou# troubling himself
how the ladies should arrange their matters, he threw his bat,
gloves, pipe, and carlget-bag upon the table.
"We shall bave close quarters here," said the elder lady, the
wife of the lieutenant-colonel; and gave ber daughter, Amelia,
who had jus# put ber little head through the door, a signal to
arrange ber things on the left-hand side of the state-room.
"One must know how fo accustom themselves fo a small
room; :[ bave been obliged to do so for the last twenty years,"
replied the colonel.
At tha# moment the servant-#-#4rl retu##ed with the answer
from the captain, that it was ianpossible to have another room.
"That would be a pretty story, indeed, if I should hot be
allowed to make a change! Go, once more, and tell the captain
that he may have the kindness fo corne here for a moment.
Tell him that the Lieutenant-colonel and Chamberlain de Dressen
wishes fo see him."
After the girl had closed the door, which she did with a
dubious, almost pointed smile, Madame de Dressen turned toward
ber husband, and ventured timidly fo observe, that the captain
would probably not heed the request, but would expect that the
passenger would corne fo him. -
"I expect, nevertheless, that he will do so." With these
#vords, the lieutenant-colonel stopped further conversation, and
gazed eagerly af the door.
Suddenly, Christine again entered, sayingm"The captain
sends his compliments fo the lieutenant-colonel, and says, if he
wishes fo speak fo him, he may be found on the after-deck."
_A_ len#hened "Indeed," lingcred on the lips of the haughty
man. "If the mountain will hot corne #o #l#ohammed, l#Io-
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